This repository contains Bazel rules for running Android Lint.
- Running Android Lint on Android, Kotlin, and JVM targets
- Providing global and per-target configuration files
- Enabling/Disabling specific checks at the target level
- Custom Lint rules
- Automatic loading of custom rule jars from AARs
- Build and test actions
- Bzlmod support
- Persistent worker support
To use these rules, add the following to your MODULE.bazel
module_name = "rules_android_lint",
integrity = "INTEGRITY",
strip_prefix = "rules_android_lint-COMMIT_SHA",
urls = [
bazel_dep(name = "rules_android_lint")
To use these rules, add the following to your WORKSPACE
# Not fully supported yet
load("@rules_android//android:rules.bzl", "android_library")
load("@rules_android_lint//rules:defs.bzl", "android_lint_test")
name = "lib",
srcs = glob(["**/*.java"]),
custom_package = "",
name = "lib_lint_test",
srcs = [""],
baseline = "lib_lint_test_lint_baseline.xml",
lib = ":lib",