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Setup Pushover

Ben Gräf edited this page Nov 28, 2018 · 3 revisions

Download Pushover on your mobile

Pushover on Google Play

Pushover on AppStore

Setup your Pushover account

Go to and login or signup.

Once you're logged in you should see already "Your User Key". Keep that, we need it later.

Main Page

After that navigate to Create an Application/API Token at the bottom of the Page.

Fill the form and feel free to use this icon:


Create Api Token/Key

The Page will show your new Api token/key. Keep that, we need it now.

XMRigCCServer config

Open config_cc.json in an editor and fill it with your user-key and api-token.



    "background": false,                            // true to run the cc-server in the background (no console)
    "colors": true,                                 // false to disable colored output
    "log-file": null,                               // log all output to a file
    "syslog": false,                                // use system log for output messages
    "cc-server": {
        "port": 3344,                               // port the CC Server will listens on
        "use-tls" : false,                          // use tls for CC communication (needs to be enabled on miners too)
        "cert-file" : "server.pem",                 // when tls is turned on, use this to point to the right cert file
        "key-file" : "server.key",                  // when tls is turned on, use this to point to the right key file
        "access-token": "mySecret",                 // access token for CC Clients (should be set!!!)
        "user": "admin",                            // admin user for access CC Dashboard
        "pass": "pass",                             // admin pass for access CC Dashboard
        "client-config-folder" : null,              // folder which contains the client-config files (null=current)
        "client-log-lines-history" : 100,           // maximum lines of log history kept per miner
        "custom-dashboard" : "index.html",          // dashboard html file
        "pushover-user-key" : "PUT_YOUR_USER_KEY_HERE",                   // your user key for pushover notifications
        "pushover-api-token" : "PUT_YOUR_API_TOKEN_KEY_HERE",                  // api token/keytoken of the application for pushover notifications
        "push-miner-offline-info" : true,           // push notification for offline miners
        "push-periodic-mining-status" : true        // push periodic status notification (every hour)

The Config has two additional properties. Which can be set to true or false.

"push-miner-offline-info" : true,           // push notification for offline miners
"push-periodic-mining-status" : true        // push periodic status notification (every hour)

Once you modified the configuration, start the Pushover App on your mobile device an login with your email + password.

**Now start the xmrigCCServer. **

After 10-15 seconds the first status Push should arrive your mobile. It should look like this:


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