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DKP Adjustments

Jordan Benge edited this page Aug 14, 2021 · 6 revisions

Officers will have an additional tab in their PDKP addon called "Adjust". This will show you two new sections, one called "Entry Preview" and the other called "Entry Details".

Entry Preview

The entry preview will show you a live example of what your DKP entry will look like when you are finished creating it. This will allow you to make sure that you have the correct member(s) selected, and that your entry has all of the required information to be valid for submission.


Entry Details

The entry details section is the bread and butter of the addon. It is where you will award DKP for anyone and everyone in the guild.

Creating a DKP Adjustment

To create a DKP Adjustment, please find the character(s) on the left-hand side of your PDKP window. You can follow the traditional thought process when selecting single or multiple characters.

Selection Types:

  • Regular Click: Will select a new member in the list, and de-select anyone else who was previously selected.
  • Ctrl-Click: Will select a new member in the list, without de-selecting anyone else who is currently selected.
  • Shift-Click:
    • No selections: Will select a new member in the list, without de-selecting anyone else who is currently selected.
    • Has selections: Will select all members between your previous selection and the currently selected member.

Once you have selected the member(s) that you want to make an adjustment for, you can then select the reason for the adjustment in the "Reason" dropdown. Currently, the only supported reasons are "Boss Kill", "Item Win", "Other", "Decay".

Adjustment Reasons

  • Boss Kill: When selecting Boss Kill as the adjustment reason, you will see a new dropdown popup called "Raid Boss" allowing you to award DKP for whatever raid boss you select, ordered by the raid name & phase that they release (future phase raids are not shown).
    • Amount Value: 10 DKP (Not configurable at this moment).
  • Item Win: When selecting the "Item Win" adjustment reason, you will see a text box appear. You can leave this blank, which will show "Not Linked" in the entry history. You can manually type in the item name (which will show the item name, but not the item link), or you can allow the addon to automatically set the item link when doing bids.
    • Amount Value: Will always be negative for Item Wins.
  • Other: When selecting the "Other" adjustment reason, you will see a text box appear called "Other". In this box, you can type whatever the reason is for the adjustment, or simply leave it blank.
    • Amount Value: Whatever amount you want it to be.
  • Decay: When selecting the "Decay" adjustment reason, you will notice that there is no amount box present. This is completely normal and expected. Decay values for weekly decay are set to 10% of each selected member's DKP. You can (and should) select all members of the guild, when doing a weekly decay entry.
    • Amount Value: Hidden, but really 10%.

When you are all finished with your adjustment, simply click the "Submit" button in the bottom right-hand corner of the window, and the entry will be created. Loot-related entries are placed in the "Loot" tab, and all other entries are placed in the "History" tab for easy viewing.

Deleting an Entry

Mistakes happen, and sometimes you need to revert a DKP entry that has already been submitted. That's ok, you can easily do this by going to the corresponding tab:

  • History: For non-loot-related entries.
  • Loot: For loot-related entries.

Once you have located the entry that you want to delete, expand the entry in question and Shift Right-Click the reason text. Afterward, you will receive a popup confirming that you want to delete the entry. If you confirm the deletion, the entry will be reverted. After deleting an entry, it will be hidden from its corresponding list, and the DKP totals will be recalibrated as necessary.

You will also notice that the addon will create a new entry with the reason set as "DKP Correction", with the appropriate DKP given back. This is to simplify syncing. As a result, entries are never truly deleted from the database and are instead marked as deleted - which hides them, and then an inverse duplicate entry is created to "revert" it.

All entries in the database can be "deleted", as well as their corresponding "DKP Correction" entries, with the exception of "Decay" entries. If you delete a correct Decay entry, you must re-create the Decay entry manually.

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