This project is an attempt to copy the Facebook app, with basic features such as posts, comments, likes, and friends.
- HTML5,
- CSS,
- Javascript,
- Ruby version 2.6.4,
- Ruby on Rails version 6.0.0.
- Navigate to the project folder.
- run bundle install.
- run rails server
- go to localhost on the browser to see the page.
- devise,
- omniauth,
- omniauth-facebook,
- rspec-wait,
- rubocop,
- gravtastic,
- jquery,
- jquery-rails.
👤 Andoni Uzquiano
- Github: @Juakata
- Twitter: @HUzquiano
- Linkedin: linkedin
👤 Benjamin Garza
- Github: @BenjaminGarza
- Linkedin: linkedin
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
This project is MiT licensed.