- Currently (Apr. 2022), not a set of full features are made yet. For checking the features currently supported, see
- Goal of this repo is
- For fast python support for lidar-based place recognition
- ps. the native python version (see https://github.com/gisbi-kim/PyICP-SLAM) was already supported, but it was slow.
- Original C++ code: see https://github.com/irapkaist/scancontext
- For fast python support for lidar-based place recognition
- Please ensure eigen3 is installed (e.g., via
sudo apt install libeigen3-dev
) - Other dependencies (nanoflann and pybind11) are downloaded automatically (for details, see
) - Use the following commands to build:
$ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake .. $ make
- Install the Python package via
with$ cd build $ make pip-install # or install manually with $ cd build/python $ pip install .
- For the hands-on exploration of the supported features, for example (you need
),$ python3 examples/test_make_desciptor.py $ python3 examples/test_compare_scd.py $ # to be added ...
- see
. Modify the REPOSITORY_PATH with your own path.- For the docker-based test tutorial, see this video (TBA)
- TBA ...
@ARTICLE { gskim-2021-tro,
AUTHOR = { Giseop Kim and Sunwook Choi and Ayoung Kim },
TITLE = { Scan Context++: Structural Place Recognition Robust to Rotation and Lateral Variations in Urban Environments },
JOURNAL = { IEEE Transactions on Robotics },
YEAR = { 2021 }
@INPROCEEDINGS { gkim-2018-iros,
author = {Kim, Giseop and Kim, Ayoung},
title = { Scan Context: Egocentric Spatial Descriptor for Place Recognition within {3D} Point Cloud Map },
booktitle = { Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems },
year = { 2018 },
month = { Oct. },
address = { Madrid }