Read more about the creation of synth here
Inspired by how long it can take to set up the development of web apps, synth is a tool to help you build modular sets of Docker, Docker Compose, and CI/CD pipeline config files, as well as directory trees and wireframed files for different front- and backend web frameworks. synth can help you set up your next web application project in seconds, allowing you to start coding your idea with zero hassle.
Install via pip:
pip3 install boot-synth
synth create [OPTIONS]
--frontend, -f
Your frontend framework. Currently supported options are static
, dynamic
, react
--backend, -b
Your backend framework. Currently supported options are flask
, node
, django
--database, -d
Your choice of database. Currently supported options are mysql
, postgres
, mongo
, mariadb
--cache, -c
Your choice of caching tool. Currently supported options are redis
and memcache
--pipeline, -p
Your choice of CI/CD pipeline. travis
is currently the only supported option.
Strictly followed pep8
style guide. To install:
With apt-get
$ sudo apt-get install python3-pep8
With pip3
$ pip3 install pep8
$ pep8 --version
- 1.1.0
- Bennett Dixon - @BennettDixon - Portfolio
- Jack Gindi - @jmgindi - Portfolio
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
Holberton School (providing guidance)
Julian Gindi (project mentor)