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Merge pull request #170 from BerkeleyLab/replace-app
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Features: maximize information entropy and variable reporting interval.
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davytorres authored Jul 9, 2024
2 parents 9a9fc0e + 3b6dade commit 85f5a03
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Showing 2 changed files with 137 additions and 510 deletions.
262 changes: 137 additions & 125 deletions cloud-microphysics/app/train-cloud-microphysics.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,25 +1,22 @@
! Copyright (c), The Regents of the University of California
! Terms of use are as specified in LICENSE.txt
!! Due to a suspected Intel ifx compilerlbug, the above C preprocessor macro
!! effectively eliminates this file's source code when building with an Intel compiler.

program train_cloud_microphysics
program train_on_flat_distribution
!! Train a neural network to represent the simplest cloud microphysics model from
!! the Intermediate Complexity Atmospheric Research Model (ICAR) at

!! Intrinic modules :
use ieee_arithmetic, only : ieee_is_nan
use iso_fortran_env, only : int64, real64

!! External dependencies:
use julienne_m, only : string_t, file_t, command_line_t, bin_t
use assert_m, only : assert, intrinsic_array_t
use tensor_range_m, only : tensor_range_t
use ieee_arithmetic, only : ieee_is_nan
use iso_fortran_env, only : int64, real64
use inference_engine_m, only : &
inference_engine_t, mini_batch_t, input_output_pair_t, tensor_t, trainable_engine_t, rkind, tensor_range_t, &
training_configuration_t, shuffle, phase_space_bin_t

!! Internal dependencies;
use inference_engine_m, only : &
inference_engine_t, mini_batch_t, input_output_pair_t, tensor_t, trainable_engine_t, rkind, &
training_configuration_t, shuffle
use NetCDF_file_m, only: NetCDF_file_t
use ubounds_m, only : ubounds_t
implicit none
Expand All @@ -29,7 +26,7 @@ program train_cloud_microphysics
'Usage: ' // new_line('a') // new_line('a') // &
'./build/ run train-cloud-microphysics -- \' // new_line('a') // &
' --base <string> --epochs <integer> \' // new_line('a') // &
' [--start <integer>] [--end <integer>] [--stride <integer>]' // &
' [--start <integer>] [--end <integer>] [--stride <integer>] [--bins <integer>] [--report <integer>]'// &
new_line('a') // new_line('a') // &
'where angular brackets denote user-provided values and square brackets denote optional arguments.' // new_line('a') // &
'The presence of a file named "stop" halts execution gracefully.'
Expand All @@ -38,12 +35,12 @@ program train_cloud_microphysics
character(len=*), parameter :: plot_file_name = "cost.plt"

integer(int64) t_start, t_finish, clock_rate
integer plot_unit, num_epochs, previous_epoch, start_step, stride
integer plot_unit, num_epochs, previous_epoch, start_step, stride, num_bins, report_interval
integer, allocatable :: end_step
character(len=:), allocatable :: base_name

call system_clock(t_start, clock_rate)
call get_command_line_arguments(base_name, num_epochs, start_step, end_step, stride)
call get_command_line_arguments(base_name, num_epochs, start_step, end_step, stride, num_bins, report_interval)
call create_or_append_to(plot_file_name, plot_unit, previous_epoch)
call read_train_write( &
training_configuration_t(file_t(string_t(training_config_file_name))), base_name, plot_unit, previous_epoch, num_epochs &
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -87,20 +84,22 @@ subroutine create_or_append_to(plot_file_name, plot_unit, previous_epoch)
end if
end subroutine

subroutine get_command_line_arguments(base_name, num_epochs, start_step, end_step, stride)
subroutine get_command_line_arguments(base_name, num_epochs, start_step, end_step, stride, num_bins, report_interval)
character(len=:), allocatable, intent(out) :: base_name
integer, intent(out) :: num_epochs, start_step, stride
integer, intent(out) :: num_epochs, start_step, stride, num_bins, report_interval
integer, intent(out), allocatable :: end_step

! local variables
type(command_line_t) command_line
character(len=:), allocatable :: stride_string, epochs_string, start_string, end_string
character(len=:), allocatable :: stride_string, epochs_string, start_string, end_string, bins_string, report_string

base_name = command_line%flag_value("--base") ! gfortran 13 seg faults if this is an association
epochs_string = command_line%flag_value("--epochs")
start_string = command_line%flag_value("--start")
end_string = command_line%flag_value("--end")
stride_string = command_line%flag_value("--stride")
bins_string = command_line%flag_value("--bins")
report_string = command_line%flag_value("--report")

associate(required_arguments => len(base_name)/=0 .and. len(epochs_string)/=0)
if (.not. required_arguments) error stop usage
Expand All @@ -120,6 +119,18 @@ subroutine get_command_line_arguments(base_name, num_epochs, start_step, end_ste
read(start_string,*) start_step
end if

if (len(report_string)==0) then
report_interval = 1
read(report_string,*) report_interval
end if

if (len(bins_string)/=0) then
read(bins_string,*) num_bins
num_bins = 1
end if

if (len(end_string)/=0) then
if (.not. allocated(end_step)) allocate(end_step)
read(end_string,*) end_step
Expand All @@ -146,49 +157,47 @@ subroutine read_train_write(training_configuration, base_name, plot_unit, previo
integer t, b, t_end
logical stop_requested

associate( &
network_input => base_name // "", &
network_output => base_name // "", &
network_file => base_name // "_network.json" &
print *,"Reading network inputs from " // network_input

associate(network_input_file => netCDF_file_t(network_input))
! Skipping the following unnecessary inputs that are in the current file format as of 14 Aug 2023:
! precipitation, snowfall
call network_input_file%input("pressure", pressure_in)
call network_input_file%input("potential_temperature", potential_temperature_in)
call network_input_file%input("temperature", temperature_in)
call network_input_file%input("qv", qv_in)
call network_input_file%input("qc", qc_in)
call network_input_file%input("qr", qr_in)
call network_input_file%input("qs", qs_in)
call network_input_file%input("time", time_in)
t_end = size(time_in)
lbounds = [lbound(pressure_in), lbound(temperature_in), lbound(qv_in), lbound(qc_in), lbound(qr_in), lbound(qs_in)]
ubounds = &
[ubounds_t(ubound(qv_in)), ubounds_t(ubound(qc_in)), ubounds_t(ubound(qr_in)), ubounds_t(ubound(qs_in)), &
ubounds_t(ubound(pressure_in)), ubounds_t(ubound(temperature_in)) &
associate( network_file => base_name // "_network.json")
associate(network_input => base_name // "")
print *,"Reading network inputs from " // network_input
associate(network_input_file => netCDF_file_t(network_input))
! Skipping the following unnecessary inputs that are in the current file format as of 14 Aug 2023:
! precipitation, snowfall
call network_input_file%input("pressure", pressure_in)
call network_input_file%input("potential_temperature", potential_temperature_in)
call network_input_file%input("temperature", temperature_in)
call network_input_file%input("qv", qv_in)
call network_input_file%input("qc", qc_in)
call network_input_file%input("qr", qr_in)
call network_input_file%input("qs", qs_in)
call network_input_file%input("time", time_in)
t_end = size(time_in)
lbounds = [lbound(pressure_in), lbound(temperature_in), lbound(qv_in), lbound(qc_in), lbound(qr_in), lbound(qs_in)]
ubounds = &
[ubounds_t(ubound(qv_in)), ubounds_t(ubound(qc_in)), ubounds_t(ubound(qr_in)), ubounds_t(ubound(qs_in)), &
ubounds_t(ubound(pressure_in)), ubounds_t(ubound(temperature_in)) &
end associate
end associate

print *,"Reading network outputs from " // network_output

associate(network_output_file => netCDF_file_t(network_output))
call network_output_file%input("potential_temperature", potential_temperature_out)
! Skipping the following unnecessary outputs that are in the current file format as of 14 Aug 2023:
! pressure, temperature, precipitation, snowfall
call network_output_file%input("qv", qv_out)
call network_output_file%input("qc", qc_out)
call network_output_file%input("qr", qr_out)
call network_output_file%input("qs", qs_out)
call network_output_file%input("time", time_out)
lbounds = [lbounds, lbound(qv_out), lbound(qc_out), lbound(qr_out), lbound(qs_out)]
ubounds = [ubounds, ubounds_t(ubound(qv_out)), ubounds_t(ubound(qc_out)), &
ubounds_t(ubound(qr_out)), ubounds_t(ubound(qs_out))]
call assert(all(lbounds == 1), "main: default input/output lower bounds", intrinsic_array_t(lbounds))
call assert(all(ubounds == ubounds(1)), "main: matching input/output upper bounds")
call assert(all(abs(time_in(2:t_end) - time_out(1:t_end-1))<tolerance), "main: matching time stamps")
associate(network_output => base_name // "")
print *,"Reading network outputs from " // network_output
associate(network_output_file => netCDF_file_t(network_output))
call network_output_file%input("potential_temperature", potential_temperature_out)
! Skipping the following unnecessary outputs that are in the current file format as of 14 Aug 2023:
! pressure, temperature, precipitation, snowfall
call network_output_file%input("qv", qv_out)
call network_output_file%input("qc", qc_out)
call network_output_file%input("qr", qr_out)
call network_output_file%input("qs", qs_out)
call network_output_file%input("time", time_out)
lbounds = [lbounds, lbound(qv_out), lbound(qc_out), lbound(qr_out), lbound(qs_out)]
ubounds = [ubounds, ubounds_t(ubound(qv_out)), ubounds_t(ubound(qc_out)), &
ubounds_t(ubound(qr_out)), ubounds_t(ubound(qs_out))]
call assert(all(lbounds == 1), "main: default input/output lower bounds", intrinsic_array_t(lbounds))
call assert(all(ubounds == ubounds(1)), "main: matching input/output upper bounds")
call assert(all(abs(time_in(2:t_end) - time_out(1:t_end-1))<tolerance), "main: matching time stamps")
end associate
end associate

print *,"Calculating time derivatives"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -222,9 +231,7 @@ subroutine read_train_write(training_configuration, base_name, plot_unit, previo
type(bin_t), allocatable :: bins(:)
type(input_output_pair_t), allocatable :: input_output_pairs(:)
type(tensor_t), allocatable, dimension(:) :: inputs, outputs
real(rkind), parameter :: keep = 0.01
real(rkind), allocatable :: cost(:)
real(rkind), allocatable :: harvest(:)
integer i, batch, lon, lat, level, time, network_unit, io_status, epoch
integer(int64) start_training, finish_training

Expand All @@ -250,71 +257,79 @@ subroutine read_train_write(training_configuration, base_name, plot_unit, previo
] &
), lon = 1, size(qv_in,1))], lat = 1, size(qv_in,2))], level = 1, size(qv_in,3))], time = start_step, end_step, stride)]

read_or_initialize_engine: &
if (io_status==0) then
print *,"Reading network from file " // network_file
trainable_engine = trainable_engine_t(inference_engine_t(file_t(string_t(network_file))))
print *,"Calculating output tensor component ranges."
associate(output_range => tensor_range_t( &
layer = "outputs", &
minima = [minval(dpt_dt), minval(dqv_dt), minval(dqc_dt), minval(dqr_dt), minval(dqs_dt)], &
maxima = [maxval(dpt_dt), maxval(dqv_dt), maxval(dqc_dt), maxval(dqr_dt), maxval(dqs_dt)], &
num_bins = num_bins &
read_or_initialize_engine: &
if (io_status==0) then
print *,"Reading network from file " // network_file
trainable_engine = trainable_engine_t(inference_engine_t(file_t(string_t(network_file))))

initialize_network: &
character(len=len('YYYYMMDD')) date

call date_and_time(date)

print *,"Calculating input tensor component ranges."
associate(input_range => tensor_range_t( &
layer = "inputs", &
minima = [minval(pressure_in), minval(potential_temperature_in), minval(temperature_in), &
minval(qv_in), minval(qc_in), minval(qr_in), minval(qs_in)], &
maxima = [maxval(pressure_in), maxval(potential_temperature_in), maxval(temperature_in), &
maxval(qv_in), maxval(qc_in), maxval(qr_in), maxval(qs_in)] &
print *,"Calculating output tensor component ranges."
associate(output_range => tensor_range_t( &
layer = "outputs", &
minima = [minval(dpt_dt), minval(dqv_dt), minval(dqc_dt), minval(dqr_dt), minval(dqs_dt)], &
maxima = [maxval(dpt_dt), maxval(dqv_dt), maxval(dqc_dt), maxval(dqr_dt), maxval(dqs_dt)] &
initialize_network: &
character(len=len('YYYYMMDD')) date

call date_and_time(date)

print *,"Calculating input tensor component ranges."
associate( &
input_range => tensor_range_t( &
layer = "inputs", &
minima = [minval(pressure_in), minval(potential_temperature_in), minval(temperature_in), &
minval(qv_in), minval(qc_in), minval(qr_in), minval(qs_in)], &
maxima = [maxval(pressure_in), maxval(potential_temperature_in), maxval(temperature_in), &
maxval(qv_in), maxval(qc_in), maxval(qr_in), maxval(qs_in)], &
num_bins = num_bins &
), &
date_string => string_t(date) &
associate(activation => training_configuration%differentiable_activation_strategy())
associate( &
model_name => string_t("Simple microphysics"), &
author => string_t("Inference Engine"), &
date_string => string_t(date), &
activation_name => activation%function_name(), &
residual_network => string_t(trim(merge("true ", "false", training_configuration%skip_connections()))) &
associate(residual_network => string_t(trim(merge("true ", "false", training_configuration%skip_connections()))))
trainable_engine = trainable_engine_t( &
training_configuration, perturbation_magnitude=0.05, &
metadata = [model_name, author, date_string, activation_name, residual_network], &
input_range = input_range, output_range = output_range &
training_configuration, &
perturbation_magnitude = 0.05, &
metadata = [ &
string_t("Simple microphysics"), string_t("train-on-flat-dist"), date_string, activation%function_name(), &
residual_network &
], input_range = input_range, output_range = output_range &
end associate
end associate
end associate
end associate
end block initialize_network
end if read_or_initialize_engine

print *,"Normalizing input tensors"
inputs = trainable_engine%map_to_input_training_range(inputs)

print *,"Normalizing output tensors"
outputs = trainable_engine%map_to_output_training_range(outputs)

print *, "Eliminating",int(100*(1.-keep)),"% of the grid points that have all-zero time derivatives"
end associate ! input_range, date_string
end block initialize_network
end if read_or_initialize_engine

associate(num_grid_pts => size(outputs))
if (allocated(harvest)) deallocate(harvest)
call random_number(harvest)
associate(keepers => [(any(outputs(i)%values()/=0.) .or. harvest(i)<keep, i=1,num_grid_pts)])
print *, "Conditionally sampling for a flat distribution of output values"
integer i
logical occupied(num_bins, num_bins, num_bins, num_bins, num_bins)
logical keepers(size(outputs))
type(phase_space_bin_t), allocatable :: bin(:)
occupied = .false.
keepers = .false.

bin = [(output_range%bin(outputs(i), num_bins), i=1,size(outputs))]

do i = 1, size(outputs)
if (occupied(bin(i)%loc(1),bin(i)%loc(2),bin(i)%loc(3),bin(i)%loc(4),bin(i)%loc(5))) cycle
occupied(bin(i)%loc(1),bin(i)%loc(2),bin(i)%loc(3),bin(i)%loc(4),bin(i)%loc(5)) = .true.
keepers(i) = .true.
end do
input_output_pairs = input_output_pair_t(pack(inputs, keepers), pack(outputs, keepers))
print *, size(input_output_pairs), "points retained out of ", num_grid_pts, " points total"
end associate
end associate
print *, "Kept ", size(input_output_pairs), " out of ", size(outputs, kind=int64), " input/output pairs " // &
" in ", count(occupied)," out of ", size(occupied, kind=int64), " bins."
end block
end associate ! output_range

print *,"Normalizing the remaining input and output tensors"
input_output_pairs = trainable_engine%map_to_training_ranges(input_output_pairs)

associate( &
num_pairs => size(input_output_pairs), &
Expand All @@ -331,19 +346,18 @@ subroutine read_train_write(training_configuration, base_name, plot_unit, previo

do epoch = previous_epoch + 1, previous_epoch + num_epochs

call shuffle(input_output_pairs) ! set up for stochastic gradient descent
if (size(bins)>1) call shuffle(input_output_pairs) ! set up for stochastic gradient descent
mini_batches = [(mini_batch_t(input_output_pairs(bins(b)%first():bins(b)%last())), b = 1, size(bins))]
call trainable_engine%train(mini_batches, cost, adam, learning_rate)
print *, epoch, sum(cost)/size(cost)
write(plot_unit,*) epoch, sum(cost)/size(cost)
if (mod(epoch,report_interval)==0) print *, epoch, sum(cost)/size(cost)
if (mod(epoch,report_interval)==0) write(plot_unit,*) epoch, sum(cost)/size(cost)

open(newunit=network_unit, file=network_file, form='formatted', status='unknown', iostat=io_status, action='write')
associate(inference_engine => trainable_engine%to_inference_engine())
associate(json_file => inference_engine%to_json())
call json_file%write_lines(string_t(network_file))
end associate
end associate


inquire(file="stop", exist=stop_requested)
Expand All @@ -361,8 +375,7 @@ subroutine read_train_write(training_configuration, base_name, plot_unit, previo
print *,"Training time: ", real(finish_training - start_training, real64)/real(clock_rate, real64),"for",num_epochs,"epochs"

end block train_network

end associate
end associate ! network_file


Expand All @@ -375,5 +388,4 @@ pure function normalize(x, x_min, x_max) result(x_normalized)
x_normalized = (x - x_min)/(x_max - x_min)
end function

end program train_cloud_microphysics
#endif // __INTEL_FORTRAN
end program train_on_flat_distribution

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