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Pietro Liuzzo edited this page Jun 9, 2016 · 4 revisions

Authority lists in TEI


Authority lists in a google spreadsheet need to be converted to XML file for omogeneous usage in the project framework


Editing of this data will continue in the framework and will include entity specification


Data has been downloaded to an XML format, then converted with a una tantum XSLT transformation the file reflects the last transformation only, it has been modified while working.



All data in google spreadsheet has been transformed to TEI valid (TEI-all schema) XML files. For titles, offices and ethic/language there is a taxonomy file, for places, texts and persons a list or canon pointing to each file and one file for each instance named after the given id.

As of 6 June, see: There is now a record for each entry, which can host a definition etc. taxonomy.xml carries instead the hierarchy information only, so that this can be expressed but doe not limit usage of categories for definitions and relations. back to list

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