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Pietro Liuzzo edited this page Aug 2, 2016 · 27 revisions

The team and generally needs data entry options and a font that can display all what is entered.Gǝʿǝz (Ge'ez), Arabisch, Griechisch, Hebräisch, Syrisch, Altsüdarabisch, Sabaic, Georgian, Armenian, Avestan, Russian and LATIN TRANSCRIPTION.

Data imput options


Method Characteristics Text/Transcription Mac/Win
keyman (prof. Bausi)
  • supports both ethiopic and diacritics
  • well documented
  • full character combination for Ethiopic
  • needs TITUS for some symbols in diacritics
  • Keyman does not work in Oxygen and has problems with Word. Texts needs to be entered in plain text editor
Amharic keyboard layouts works well in all programs to enter ethiopic. only text, transcription is done by users adding symbols in word or copypasting
Oxygen Code Templaates Code templates are activated and offer a list of symbols for transcription
Keyman Amaharic
SIL Ethiopic keyboard layouts

Fonts Support

Font Characteristics
Ethiopic Unicode
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