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This code provides the implementation of Semantic Human Matting paper (by Alibaba)

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This code provides the implementation of Semantic Human Matting paper (by Alibaba)


Install the module

pip install keras-segmentation


git clone

cd image-segmentation-keras

python install


For pretraining T-net, provide the input_path, trimap_path (as GT, created by dilating masks), checkpoints_path and output_path(to store the output of images in input_path)

Command to run it is : python train_tnet

For pretraining M-net, provide the path of input images, mask location and trimap location (created by dilating masks), location to save the model, loss and accuracy graph.

Command to run it is : python

For training end to end pipeline, provide the path of input_path and mask_path containing images and masks respectively. Also, provide the location to save the trained model in variable filepath.

Command to run it is : python

For creation of trimaps (3 channels are created, with each pixel having a value of bg(0,0,1), uncertain(0,1,0), foreground(1,0,0).

The channels are in order -- Background, Uncertain, Foreground.

Command to run it is : python

Thought process while implementation :

The paper takes two networks - 1.) Semantic Segmentation Network (E.g. Pspnet-50, Unet etc.) 2.) Encoder Decode Network for Image Matting problem contains the code for loading the model and its weights from a given location (model location) and runs on a given set of RGB images. It stores the result in a folder provided in the code itself. Please change the location of input path and output path in to run the code.

Semantic Segmentation Network

1.) Pretrain the PSPNET-50 on your dataset or you can also pretrain it on a big dataset of yours usage:

I have taken already available PSPNET-50 pretrained on ADE-20K dataset from this location - Please download it and place it in .keras/datasets/pspnet50_ade20k.h5

The architecture of pspnet-50 has been imported from Transfer the weights from .keras/datasets/pspnet50_ade20k.h5 to the model architecture defined by you.

Now, in order to pretrain this model on the dataset (for e.g. 501 images for image matting problem), run the command-

for training --> python train_tnet

train_images is the location of raw images

train_annotations is the location of trimaps (by dilation) created by me from the masks.

epochs can be set by the user. I have set to 30

The model weights are located in this file -

pretrained_tnet.hdf5, the model cannot be shared as its too large, however I can share on google drive.

For just prediction and no training, run the command

python x where x can be anything apart from "train_tnet"

The network takes 473 x 473 x 3 image as input and returns a 3 channel trimap of shape (223729x3) which is reshaped to 473x473x3 and concatenated to raw image.

The 3 channel image with 3 channel trimap is then sent to Matting network (encoder-decoder architecture as mentioned in paper) with encoder similar to VGG except dense layers.

Matting Network (M-Net)

6 channel input is implemented.

Batch normalization has been applied after each conv layer as mentioned in paper.

Conv6 and deconv6 have been removed

encoder has 13 conv layers and 4 max pool layers

decoder has 6 conv layers and 4 unpool layers

For pretraining this network, python command is --> python

custom image datagenerator has been implemented for loading 6 channel input data and mask image has been rescaled from (0-255) to (0-1). The order of 6 channels are Red, Green, Blue, Background, Uncertain, Foreground.

custom loss function called alpha loss is implemented to calculate the difference between Ground Truth Mask and Predicted Mask.

Things to do (could not due to time constraints)

For training end-to-end, only regression loss has been taken into account, classification loss parameter has not been taken into account.

On the fly cropping and image augmentations have been left out at present due to GPU and time constraints.

I have taken 473x473 as input and output is 320x320 for the full image.

End-to-end Network

The whole network is made as one and input image is taken of size 473x473x3 and output is of shape 320x320. training is done with standard parameters like batch size = 2, epochs = 30 . Please change it as per your requirements.


Combine the loss functions - Classification and regression loss. On the fly cropping has not been implemented due to time constraints, but can be done in more time.

Flipping was implemented but due to GPU constraint, I turned it off.



This code provides the implementation of Semantic Human Matting paper (by Alibaba)






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