application tagline here
Internease a web based application to facilitate students to get interships and organizations to get best internies.
- Website
- Root Access
- Administration
- Student Portal
- Organization Portal
Category | Tools and technologies |
Frontend | Html, Css, Javascript, JQuery, Ajax, Jinja |
Backend | Django, Django-Rest-Framework`` |
Databases | SQLite, PostGre |
Server | Linux based ubuntu server (aws/digital ocean) |
- Authentication and Authorization
- Access and Permission Control System
- Notification Alerts and POP-ups
- Email Alerts
- Internship Management
- Organization Management
- Staff Management
Make sure to install python first and then run the following commands.
once installations are done make sure to check these commands on terminal or command prompt.
python --version
pip --version
If you see the version of python and pip then you are good to go.
first install virtual environment using pip
pip install virtualenv
Unzip your project and navigate to the project folder and run the following commands
(make sure you are in project directory) before running these commands.
virtualenv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt
python makemigrations accounts company website
python migrate
python runserver
(make sure you are in project directory) before running these commands.
python runserver