Beta v1.7.0-beta.1
6 commits
to development
since this release
New Features
- Bal Boss spawn alert (@NopoTheGamer)
- Brood Mother spawn alert (@TimoLob)
- Auction outbid alert (@skycatminepokie)
- Jacob's Farming Contest timer (@IRONM00N)
- Spirit Sceptre/Wither Blade damage display (@RobotHanzo)
- Hide players at hub spawn point (@RobotHanzo)
- Reset zealot counter command
- Remove API features temporarily due to Slothpixel no longer being able to handle our requests
- Add a switch to turn off replacing Roman Numerals in item names to cover an edge case where items with custom names may appear to have Roman numerals when it isn't intended
- Add new warp locations to fancy warp menu (@NopoTheGamer)
- Change tab effect display to be disabled by default (@NopoTheGamer)
- Re-arrange some deep caverns warp locations so they fit better (@NopoTheGamer)
- Add Smite VII to slayer tracker
- Remove underline from dungeon secrets display
- Remove patreon button
- Add bits option to Discord RPC
- Add new Skyblock locations (@NopoTheGamer)
- Update translations
Bug Fixes
- Make drill fuel bar work with new drills (@NopoTheGamer)
- Fix Fetchur item display (@NopoTheGamer)
- Fix skill xp display for xp ending in 'k'
- Fix a few crashes
- Improve action bar parsing
- Fix skill display flashing just before it fades out
- Fix reforge filter scaling on large GUI scales
- Fix chroma incompatibility with Patcher v1.6.0+ (@My-Name-Is-Jeff)
- Fix Discord RPC coins balance
- Salvage essence GUI doesn't hide when toggled off (@NopoTheGamer)
- Fix backpack previews not working with skinned backpacks (@NopoTheGamer)
- Fix various other bugs
Known Issues
- Slayer tracker doesn't work with drops that go into slayer sack
- API-related features don't work
Thank you to everyone who contributed new features and fixes to this release! Thank you @NopoTheGamer for merging everything and helping me fix bugs as well as @ImRodry for managing translations!
SHA-256 Hash
Please see How to Verify the File Hash for more details.