Gesture Manager 3.8.6
Please, install this tool through the VRChat Creator Companion!
Thanks to everybody who supported me in the development of this tool~ ♥
New Stuff in 3.8.6
[Quick Actions Menu!]
A brand new menu inside the Expression tab, containing all the feature from the VRChat's RadialMenu, like:
Reset Avatar!
This was already a thing in the Gesture Manager, but now it's placed in the same spot as in-game!
Release Poses!
Release all of your posed PhysBone with just a click! (Not that useful in the Editor, but... ¯\(ツ)/¯ )
Reset Height & Avatar Height
Reset or Scale your avatar like you would in game, case we now have...
[Avatar Scaling!]
Scale your avatar from 0.2m up to 5m tall!
All the correlated parameters will update accordingly! ^-^ 🌺
We Also Have:
- Conditional fixes to temporarely support Unity 2022~
- Easy toggle for slice graphics to show interability~ (Enable/Disabled)
- Fixes related to the pose tool button remaining ON despite not beeing in Pose-Mode!
[How to use?]
For any information on how to use this tool you can check the ReadMe in the repository page~ ♥
Thanks to everybody ^-^
- You're amazing!