Code to score CHyMErA exon deletions
Using read counts per guide pair as well as dropout scores from, together with auxiliary information about exons such as expression and splicing status in the screened cell type, exons are scored for growth phenotypes based on the proportion of exon-deletion (intronic-intronic) guide pairs that drop out significantly.
Screen data
- exon_deletion_norm_counts.txt.gz: Raw read counts and log2-fold changes per guide pair
- intronic_intronic_guides.tsv.gz: Mean log2-fold change and empirical FDR per intronic-intronic guide pair. See here for derivation.
- other_guides.tsv.gz: Same as above, for other types of guide pairs
Exon annotation
- Knockout.exons.human.csv.gz: Exon annotation from screen design phase
Additional information about gene expression and splicing in cell type
This was obtained using vast-tools on RNA-Seq data from RPE1 cells, GEO: GSE75189
- Gene expression in RPE1
- Alternative splicing percent-spliced-in in RPE1
- Fitness.RPE1.pdf: Fitness effect (drop-out) of exonic Cas9 guides and annotation of essentiality cutoffs
- Essentiality_RNAseq.pdf: Mean fFitness effect of exonic Cas9 guides vs. expression of host genes and PSI of targeted alternative exons, showing that only expressed genes have fitness effects in the screen.
- Knockout.exons_RPE1.pdf: Numbers of exons by type according to an annotation modified by expression and splicing data from the same cell line.
- ExonDeletionScores.RPE1.csv: Table of signifcantly dropping out exon-targeting and control guide pairs, and hit annotation (Fig. 6a, left)
- ScreenPerformance.RPE1.exonDelPairs.pdf: Hit calling at various thresholds for proportion of guides that exhibit drop-out, for intronic-intronic guide pairs. (Fig. 6a, right)
- ScreenPerformance.cutoffs.RPE1.singleCutPairs.pdf: Hit calling at various thresholds for proportion of guides that exhibit drop-out, for intronic-intergenic control guide pairs.
- HitCalling_0.18.pdf: Rate of hits called at selected threshold of 18% of intronic-intronic guide pairs per exon (Fig. 6b)
- Fitness effect of exonic Cas9 guides for genes with significant exons (Fig. 6d) and exon legnth of significant and non-significant exons (Fig. S6a)