- Dogecoin node with RPC and txindex enable in dogecoin.conf
- Redis database with at least 64Go of ram (128 would be better)
Some advices :
- Dogecoin node : Adapt the rpcworkqueue value depending on your server ressources in dogecoin.conf
- Dogecoin node : To avoid latences it could be great that rpcworkqueue has the same value as the number of rpc client in the indexer pool
App is in C# and use NBitcoin package to communicate with an RPC Dogecoin core node
Once compiled, use --help to have all commands available
To run redis database locally by persisting data use the following command (require Docker) :
docker compose -f .\docker-compose.redis.yml up
First you have to clone the repo on the machine.
Install dotnet sdk 7 on your host
Then, to build the app use (for linux target):
dotnet publish -c Release -r linux-x64 --self-contained true
You will find the result inside the following folder :
Allow the binary to be executed :
chmod +x DogiHubIndexer
We recommanded to create a /app folder in your host with the following subfolders :
- indexer
- node (for startup mode we recommand to have the dogecoin node locally for performance)
- redis (for startup mode we recommand to have the redis locally for performance)
- logs (indexer will store logs files in here)
Create a app/run_indexer.sh file with the following content (adjust parameters for your needs) :
/app/indexer/DogiHubIndexer/bin/Release/net7.0/linux-x64/DogiHubIndexer \
--firstInscriptionBlockHeight "4609723" \
--lastStartupBlockHeight "4730000" \
--rpcUrl "http://localhost:22555" \
--rpcUsername "dogihub" \
--rpcPassword "D0g1hUbNodeToTh3moONNNNNNNNN" \
--rpcPoolSize "100" \
--redisConnectionString "localhost:6379,password=dogiHuBToTh3mO0nS00nnNN,abortConnect=false,allowAdmin=true" \
--flushRedis "false" \
--pendingConfirmationNumber "12" \
--cpuNumber "24" \
--redisDataFolder "/app/redis/redis_data/" \
--logFilePath "/app/logs/dogihubindexer-.log" \
--inscriptionTypes Token Nft Dogemap Dns
--mode "startup" &
Use allowAdmin=true in the redis connection string to enable flush databases options
Then allow the run_indexer.sh to be executed with:
sudo chmod +x run_indexer.sh
Finaly run the indexer in background with :
nohup ./run_indexer.sh &
To see the logs use (replace the YYYYMMDD by your current log date, a new log file is created every day) :
tail -f -n 20 /app/logs/dogihubindexer-YYYYMMDD.log
If you want to stop the indexer find its process id with :
ps aux | grep 'DogiHubIndexer'
and just use the kill command on the corresponding id :
kill 12345
First block containing an inscription
Last block to parse during startup mode (higher block height is taken from blockchain if null)
RPC Username
RPC Password
Number of RPC Client in the pool
Redis connection string
For testing purpose, flush all redis databases (must be admin)
Number of pending blocks to confirm a transfer in a balance (default 16)
Host CPU number for parallelism
Redis data folder (used for backup system)
File path of logs
Startup or Daemon mode are available
inscriptionTypes field allow you to chose which type of inscription you want to parse available values : Token, Dogemap, Nft, Dns (to parse multiple type at the same time just write them separate by a space)
To avoid frequent reorgs you can chose the number of block you want to stay behind the blockchain during daemon mode (default 0)
Automatically dump redis db each x blocks during startup mode (default 10000)
Decide if you delete all related inscriptions transactions history to lighten redis
See License file on the root repo