This repository contains samples using Anaconda's Python 3 distribution, useful links to get started with Python, tips for implementing analytics using the Team Data Science platform shared during BlueGranite's Advanced Analytics Workhop
Getting Started with Python - Sample scripts showing key features of Python
Visualization using Matplotlib - Information and samples showing various approaches to visualizing analytics with matplotlib.
Visualization using Plotly - Tutorials and examples for interactive visualization in Plotly.
Machine Learning - Introduction to machine learning algorithms in Python with scikit-learn
SQL Server Python Services - Samples showing how to use production ready analytics embedded in SQL Server
Team Data Science - Description of the Team Data Science process suggested by Microsoft and tips for implementing in your own organization
Other Useful Information - Additional resources and deeper information for the packages covered in the training
For information about trying the capabilities of Python for free, check out the Anaconda Overview.
Visit BlueGranite Hands-On Labs for many other advanced analytics tutorials.
Want to see what else we do?
- Read our Advanced Analytics Blog Posts.
- Microsoft R and Revolution Analytics Webinar
- Go to our website to learn more!
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