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Shawn Maddock edited this page Apr 7, 2022 · 2 revisions

BlueSky Client requires Mac OS X 10.6 or higher. For best security, use 10.11 or higher.

To install:

  1. clone the contents of the server's /usr/local/bin/BlueSkyConnect/Client folder to a Mac in the folder /var/bluesky. The server must be setup first or this will be missing components.
  2. run sudo bash /var/bluesky/ and it will take care of setting permissions and getting launchd in place.

Optionally you can package the files from the first steps and then trigger with a postinstall script. This would allow for easy deployment with the method of your choice. For example, this workflow would build you initial package:

  • mkdir -p ~/Desktop/BlueSky
  • scp -r yourserver:/usr/local/bin/BlueSkyConnect/Client ~/Desktop/BlueSky/ROOT
  • hdiutil create -srcfolder ~/Desktop/BlueSky -nospotlight -format UDRW -attach ~/Desktop/BlueSky.dmg
  • sudo chown -R root:wheel /Volumes/BlueSky/ROOT
  • pkgbuild --identifier com.solarwindsmsp.bluesky --version 2.3.2 --root /Volumes/BlueSky/ROOT --install-location /var/bluesky ~/Desktop/BlueSky.pkg


We will build an updater pkg and post it in Github (along with putting it into SolarWinds RMM's Mac patching) when ready. That pkg will only have updated files that are not specific to your setup. It cannot install a working client by itself.

What Gets Installed

  • BlueSky “bluesky” unprivileged user account – we create a service user account for the proposes of running BlueSky. It is password-less so no one can log in as this user.
  • /var/bluesky – this is where we put just about everything. It’s also the home folder for the BlueSky user account. The user account must own this folder.
  • /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.solarwindsmsp.bluesky.plist – this daemon starts BlueSky and checks to see that it is running and connected
  • /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.solarwindsmsp.bluesky.helper.plist – there are a few tasks that BlueSky needs to do with privileges. This allows those commands to execute as root.