- Monday: 8am - 5pm (Breakfast and Lunch served)
- Tuesday - Friday: 9am - 5pm
- Friday: 5pm (Hosted Happyhour on Rooftop)
- Monday: Fundamentals, Backend
- Tuesday: DevOps, Cloud Foundry, OpenWhisk, NodeRED
- Wednesday: Fullstack Apps with Microservices
- Thursday: Fullstack Apps with Microservices
- Friday: Hackathon
- Meet & Greet + Breakfast
- Get on Network (g|events -> machinelearning)
- Roll Call, Verify Emails
- Students
- Instructor
- About Galvanize, http://www.galvanize.com/
- Course Overview
- Distribute Badges
- Hackathon Videos
- https://www.ibm.com/cloud-computing/bluemix/garage/
- Presentation
- Design Thinking
- Technical
- Cloud
- Agile
- https://c9.io/
- Create a Custom Ubuntu Workspace
- Open Terminal
rm README.md
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chyld/devops/master/c9-setup.sh
chmod +x c9-setup.sh
rm c9-setup.sh
vi ~/.gitconfig
- To follow me on C9: Chyld's C9
# To clone an existing repository
git clone https://github.com/BluemixCloud/2016-03-28
# To initialize an empty git repository
git init
# To check the status of your repository
git status
# To see all the local and remote branches
git branch -av
# To check your remote repository
git remote -v
# To see all of your commits
git log
# To push your code up to the remote repository
git add .
git commit -am "enter a commit message here"
git pull
git push
- Demo using C9
- JavaScript, https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript
- Node.js, https://nodejs.org/en/
- Module system
- Node Package Manager, https://www.npmjs.com/
- Pair Programming
- Test Driven Development: Mocha | Chai
- This project will be done as a pair
- Pick a project manager
- The PM will go here, https://hub.jazz.net/project/chyld/fundamentals
- PM, click the "Fork Project" button
- Name the project: fundamentals
- Check all the boxes
- Click Create
- PM, click the "Members" link on the left, add your partner to the repository
- Both people can now push and pull the repository
- Both, on the project page, click the "Git URL" link
- Both, copy that link
- Both, open C9 terminal
- Both, make sure you're in the
git clone <link you copied above>
cd fundamentals
npm install
npm test test/square.js # this should pass
npm test test/add.js # this fails, fix
npm test # to run all tests
- Fix the remaining tests
- Take turns, with both people fixing the failing tests
- Push your completed code up the repository
- HTTP, https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616.txt
- Methods:
get, post, put, delete
- Use
Linux client oncnn.com
and others - https://stamplay.com
- Create Model - Create, Update, Select & Delete
http VERB https://____.stamplayapp.com/api/cobject/v1/MODEL a=b c=3 d=1/2/2015 e=true
- Express.js
- Performance: CPU Bound, Memory Bound, I/O Bound
- Async programming with callbacks & promises
- Node.js perf test with Apache Bench
- Run sequentially
-c 1
, then run in parallel-c 1000
ab -n __ -c __
- Compare perf to Rails app
- Create simple index.html page - serve with
- Build Basic Express App
- Have the Express app use the
npm module to interface with the Stamplay MongoDB- Create Dog
- Update Dog
- List Dogs
- Delete Dog
- https://hub.jazz.net/
- JazzHub
- Code Editor
- Track & Plan
- Build Pipeline
- Use
from Backend - Build a Stage
- Add Jobs to a Stage
- Jobs can be re-ordered
- Use
- https://www.cloudfoundry.org/
cf api https://api.ng.bluemix.net
cf login
cf target
cf marketplace
cf apps
cf services
cf --help
- Distributed, Event Driven Compute
- Notes & Lab
- To call from other code
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic <based64 encoded key>
- Base64 Utility
POST https://openwhisk.ng.bluemix.net/api/v1/namespaces/{org_space}/actions/{action-name}?blocking=true
- http://nodered.org/
- https://console.ng.bluemix.net/catalog/starters/node-red-starter/
- Additional Nodes & Flows, http://flows.nodered.org/
- Create basic NodeRED flows, exercise functionality
- Browser
- Angular, JavaScript MVC Framework, https://angularjs.org/
- Twitter Bootstrap CSS Framework, http://getbootstrap.com/
- Highcharts Analytical Charting, http://www.highcharts.com/
- Fullstack Template
- Fork and Clone Template
- Angular Demo
- Scalar Variables
- Array and Object Variables
- Mustache Syntax
- Bootstrap
- Show Trending Games on Twitch, https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/games/top
Adding items to a Trello ToDo list via SMS
- Prerequisites
- Stamplay: Make a webhook, call it
. Test the webhook withhttp
client. - Twilio: Edit your Phone Number. Change messaging to
to the Stamplay webhook from Step 1. - Send a text message to Twilio. The data should appear in Stamplay debugger.
- Trello: Create a Board
- Trello: Create a List
- Stamplay: Create a Task. The Task will wire up the webhook and the Trello board
- Send a text message. The message should appear in your Trello board list.
Display the Top Story from ANY Reddit Topic and Display in Slack
- Prerequisites
- If you are not an Administrator on Slack, Create Your Team Account
- Sign into your Slack account and create a channel
- NodeRED: Create an
post /reddit
. Test fromhttp
client. - Create an Outgoing Webhook on Slack. Use the
as the trigger word - Send a message from your slack channel to NodeRED. You should have debugging info displayed.
- Create an OpenWhisk action. Deploy and Test it.
var Request = require('request');
function main(params){
var channel = params.channel;
var url = 'https://www.reddit.com/' + channel + '.json';
Request({url: url, json: true}, function(e, r, b){
console.log('error:', e);
console.log('status:', r.statusCode);
var first = b.data.children[0].data;
whisk.done({payload: {title: first.title, url: first.url}});
return whisk.async();
- NodeRED: Prepare the data before the call to OpenWhisk.
var channel = msg.payload.text;
channel = channel.replace(/reddit/g, '');
channel = channel.trim();
msg.payload = {channel: channel};
return msg;
- NodeRED: After the call to OpenWhisk, prepare the data to be sent back to your slack channel.
var data = msg.payload.payload;
msg.payload = {
text: data.title + ' ' + data.url
return msg;
A user fills out a customer response form. The form gets analyzed by Watson Tone Analyzer with the results streamed in realtime to your slack channel.
- Prerequisites
- Create a form on WuFoo
- The form should have two fields, a name field and feedback field
- Get the subdomain name and API key for your form
- Go to Stamplay, Under Tasks -> Components
- Connect to Slack and WuFoo
- Make a Code Block called
module.exports = function(context, cb) {
var Request = require('request');
var data = context.data;
var url = 'http://_____your_node_red.mybluemix.net/wufoo';
data = data.data;
data = JSON.parse(data.replace(/\n|\r/g, ''));
console.log('data:', data);
Request({url: url, json: true, method: 'post', body: data}, function(e, r, b){
cb(null, { payload : b});
} ;
- Create a Task
- WuFoo -> Code Block
- Send data to the Code Block
"name" : "{{entry.body.Field8}}",
"feedback" : "{{entry.body.Field4}}"
- Create a simple
post /wufoo
endpoint in NodeRED - Fill out the form and look at the deugging info
- You may need to change the code in step 9
- Go back to NodeRED and add a prep function before the Tone Analyzer
msg.save = msg.payload;
msg.payload = msg.save.feedback;
return msg;
- Add a Tone Analyzer node
- Tones -> Emotion, Sentences -> True
- Add some post processing after the Tone Analyzer, before the data gets sent back to Stamplay
var tones = msg.response.document_tone.tone_categories[0].tones;
tones = tones.map(function(t){
return t.tone_name + ': ' + (t.score * 100).toFixed(2) + '%';
var text = msg.save.name + ' -- ' + tones.join(', ');
msg.payload = {text: text};
return msg;
- Add some debugging nodes. Make sure all looks good.
- Go back to Stamplay. Add another Task.
- Code Block -> Slack
- Have your
Code Block, upon execution, insert a message into a Slack channel that you choose. - Test everything out
- Twitter Sentiment Analysis
- Prerequisites
- Fork and Clone the Fullstack Template
- Use NodeRED to create a flow that collects data from Twitter, performs Sentiment Analyis and inserts all that data into a DB2 SQL Database.
- Create another flow to query the database and send back the result as JSON.
- Create a button in Angular that will fetch all the data and display the data in a table and graph.
Code that aggregates the tweet + sentiment analysis data; ready for insertion into DB2.
var place;
place = msg.location.place;
msg.payload = {
SCORE: msg.sentiment.score,
TWEET: msg.tweet.text,
USERNAME: msg.tweet.user.screen_name,
LOCATION: place || 'unknown',
return msg;
Script that creates the table inside DB2. Where the tweet data will be stored.
create table tweets
id integer not null generated always as identity (start with 1 increment by 1),
primary key (id),
score integer,
tweet varchar(256),
username varchar(256),
location varchar(256),
created_at timestamp
SQL to collect all the tweet data from DB2.
select * from tweets;
Angular code to draw a chart using Highcharts.
function drawChart(tweets){
title: {
text: 'Tweet Sentiment Analysis'
xAxis: {
categories: tweets.map(function(t, i){return i})
series: [
data: tweets.map(function(t){return t.SCORE})
- SMS Get Stock Quote
- Prerequisites
- Fork and Clone the Fullstack Template
- A user sends an SMS message to Twilio -> Express -> OpenWhisk -> Quote Service
- The service returns a current stock quote to the user's phone
- Slack Get Current Weather Forecast
- Prerequisites
- Fork and Clone the Fullstack Template
- User opens a slack channel, asks for the current weather for their zip code
- Slack -> Express -> OpenWhisk -> Weather Service
- The retured weather forcast gets displayed in the slack channel
- Camera Image Capture & Watson Analyis
- Prerequisites
- Fork and Clone the Fullstack Template
- User snaps a photo of herself using the laptop's webcam.
- The photo gets uploaded to Object Storage.
- Then the photo gets pulled into NodeRED, gets analyzed by Watson Visual Recognition
- That data gets stored in a Cloudant database
- A browser will query the Cloudant database and display all the results
- Microphone Audio Capture, Speech Translation
- Prerequisites
- Fork and Clone the Fullstack Template
Buttons inside HTML
<button ng-click="startRec()">Start</button>
<button ng-click="stopRec()">Stop</button>
Place at the bottom of your angular code in index.js
var audio_context;
var recorder;
function startUserMedia(stream) {
var input = audio_context.createMediaStreamSource(stream);
recorder = new Recorder(input);
function initAudio(){
try {
window.AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia;
window.URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL;
audio_context = new AudioContext;
} catch (e) {
alert('No web audio support in this browser!');
navigator.getUserMedia({audio: true}, startUserMedia, function(e) {
console.log('No live audio input: ' + e);
function uploadAudio(){
recorder && recorder.exportWAV(function(blob) {
var formData = new FormData();
formData.append("voice", blob);
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.open("post", "/audio");
Functions to start and stop recording - also upload to server
$scope.startRec = function(){
console.log('Recording: Start');
recorder && recorder.record();
$scope.stopRec = function(){
console.log('Recording: Stop');
recorder && recorder.stop();
REST API Endpoint in Express.js that will upload audio to NodeRED
var os = new ObjectStorage('user_id', 'password', 'project_id', 'container_name', 'access_point_url');
app.post('/audio', uploadr.single('voice'), function(req, res){
var name = 'audio-original-' + uuid.v1() + '.wav';
os.uploadFileToContainer(name, req.file.mimetype, req.file.buffer, req.file.size)
var o = {url: 'http://___your_node_red___.mybluemix.net/translate-audio', json: true, method: 'post', body: {url: file}};
request(o, function(e, r, b){
res.send({payload: 'success'});
- http://bluemixathon.devpost.com/
- https://vimeo.com/137915648
- http://www.linkedin.com/pulse/so-you-want-run-corporate-hackathon-vinod-ralh
- Split into groups of 3 or 4
- Each team build an application using Bluemix services and deploys using DevOps services
- At the conclusion of the hackathon, each team demos their app to the class
- Galvanize
- Full Stack Classrooms
- Data Science Classrooms
- Bluemix Garage
- Cloudant
- Startups
- SQL Database
- Cloudant
- Object Storage
- Language Translation
- Visual Recognition
- Text to Speech
- Speech to Text