This repo is used with the Pangeo Unleashed blog and is a step by step version, without the extra context of the original blog. The idea would be to copy and paste the commands in sequence.
See Mesosphere documentation
Ensure all prerequisites are installed, that AWS CLI
aws configure --profile=<your-profile-name>
(access key, secret access key, region, etc) is complete and that AWS_PROFILE is setexport AWS_PROFILE="<your-AWS-profile>"
Do not continue until this is successful. -
Clone this git repo to your computer
git clone
Move to the folder
cd pangeo_unleashed
Make scripts executable
chmod +x *.sh
with correctavailability_zones
list andregion
, if need be andssh_public_key_file
eg ssh_public_key_file = "~/.ssh/" -
terraform init
terraform apply -auto-approve
Once terraform successfully builds DCOS cluster, install the
dcos cli
as per blog instructions. -
Get cluster endpoint
dcos config show core.dcos_url
eg -
Set cluster endpoint to https
dcos config set core.dcos_url https://your_cluster_fqdn_above
eg dcos config set core.dcos_url -
Disable SSL verification
dcos config set core.ssl_verify false
A reauthentication will be required
dcos auth login
Install Portworx
dcos package install portworx --options=px_ectd_6nodes.json --yes
Install Marathon-lb
dcos package install marathon-lb --yes
Add Kubernetes API application
dcos marathon app add mlb-kube-app-api.json
Install Kubernetes Cluster Manager
dcos package install kubernetes --yes
Install Kubernetes Cluster
dcos kubernetes cluster create --options=kubernetes1-options-oss.json --yes
Wait for Kubernetes Cluster to complete
dcos kubernetes cluster debug plan status deploy --cluster-name=kubernetes-cluster1
Get Marathon-lb agent id
mlb_id=$(dcos task marathon-lb. --json | jq -r '.[] | .slave_id')
Get Marathon-lb public IP
mlb_ip=$(dcos node ssh --option StrictHostKeyChecking=no --option LogLevel=quiet --master-proxy --user centos --mesos-id=$mlb_id "curl -s | tr -d '\r'")
Create KubeConfig
dcos kubernetes cluster kubeconfig --cluster-name=kubernetes-cluster1 --apiserver-url https://$mlb_ip:6443 --insecure-skip-tls-verify
Start kubectl proxy in a new or diffrent console window
kubectl proxy
Access the Kubernetes Dashboard via your browser
Get Kubernetes version
version=$(kubectl version --short | awk -Fv '/Server Version: / {print $3}')
Create Portworx Kubernetes
kubectl apply -f "${version}&dcos=true&stork=true"
Create Portwork Kubernetes Storage Class
kubectl create -f portworx-sc.yaml
Set default storage class
kubectl patch storageclass portworx-sc -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"":"true"}}}'
Prep kubernetes for Helm
Install Pangeo with Helm
Install Treafik Ingress Controller
Create Pangeo ingress
kubectl create -f pgeo_proxy-ingress.yaml --namespace=pangeo
Get Ingress agent id
pangeo_id=$(dcos task kube-node-public --json | jq -r '.[] | .slave_id')
Get Pangeo IP
dcos node ssh --option StrictHostKeyChecking=no --option LogLevel=quiet --master-proxy --user centos --mesos-id=$pangeo_id "curl -s | tr -d '\r'"
Browse to Pangeo http://ip_from_previous_step