Rendering of the T-Graph fractal aka Tree fractal aka T-fractal with functionality f=3, for different generations G, see the paper by S. Havlin and H. Weissman, "Mapping between hopping on hierarchical structures and diffusion on a family of fractals", J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. (1986), 19, L1021-L1026. This fractal has the fractal dimension of df=ln(f=3)/ln(2)=1.5849625 with a total number of nodes N=f^G+1.
Just do for standard compilation (tested with gcc 8.2.1):
# generates the application
g++ -o TGraphFractalVisualization TGraphFractalVisualization.cpp -lX11 -lGL -lpthread -lpng -lstdc++fs -std=c++17
Simply use the mouse to move, zoom, and pan. Use the arrow keys: ⬆ : next generation ⬇ : previous generation ⬅ : rotate angle by -5° ➡ : rotate angle by +5° R : reset view to angle = 0° ESC : quit
The program acknowledge the libraries and refer to the appropriate licenses
Inspired by the Pan&Zoom example of Javidx9 gave the idea for this.