Scripts we will use to help BNC volunteers effectively use Slack to communicate with each other and track their progress organizing events.
- Rake tasks to interact with the Events spreadsheet to automatically create Slack channels and create To-Do Forms for each city's Slack channel.
- A Sinatra service which executes and coordinates several Google Apps Script executables and updates our Events Google Sheets and Slack channel.
These scripts are currently deployed under the BNC bot account as an API executable. They are invoked via the Google Apps Script REST Execution API.
- Copies the given formID ands sets the new form with the given title, description, and response destination. Invoked by form_copy_apps_script_executor.rb.
- Accepts a formId, gets the latest responses for that form and returns a prefilled url with them. Invoked by form_prefilled_url_script_executor.rb.
- Attach this script to the original form which is copied for each event. On submit, it sends an HTTP request to the running service at the
endpoint, including the formId as a parameter. That executes the getPrefilledUrlFromLatestResponses script, which the service then updates the Events sheet with the new prefilled URL for that event.
- To install dependencies:
bundle install
- To see list of available rake tasks:
bundle exec rake -T
- To run the service locally:
bundle exec foreman start