canvas/svg watermark:Watermark components available for react, vue, native js, and other miniprogram (miniprogram platform under development)
中文版 | English
- iE9 and above
- Modern browser
npm install @brian-walker-toretto/watermark
import Watermark from "@brian-walker-toretto/watermark";
import { ReactWaterMark } from "@brian-walker-toretto/watermark";
import Watermark from "@brian-walker-toretto/watermark/dist/react";
import { VueWaterMark } from "@brian-walker-toretto/watermark";
import Watermark from "@brian-walker-toretto/watermark/dist/vue";
native js:
import { NativeWaterMark } from "@brian-walker-toretto/watermark";
import Watermark from "@brian-walker-toretto/watermark/dist/native";
import React, { Component } from "react";
import Watermark from "@brian-walker-toretto/watermark";
import "./index.css";
class Avatar extends Component {
render() {
return <Watermark
textStyle={{ color: "#fff", fontSize: 20 }}
export default Avatar;
- Method 1: intra-component references
<div id="app">
<VueWaterMark :text="text" :options="options" :textstyle="textStyle" />
import { VueWaterMark } from '@brian-walker-toretto/watermark'
export default {
name: 'App',
components: {
data() {
return {
text: ['testUserName', 1234567890]
- Method 2: use globally
// Import in the entry file,Global registration
import Vue from 'vue';
import { VueWaterMark } from '@brian-walker-toretto/watermark';
<div id="app">
<WaterMark :text="text" :options="options" :textstyle="textStyle" />
native js:
import Watermark from "@brian-walker-toretto/watermark/dist/native";
text: ['testUserName', '1234567890']
// Specify the parent element
NativeWaterMark(document.body, {
text: ['testUserName', '1234567890']
property name | type | default value | instructions | required |
text | String/Number... | "" | The text of the watermark | Y |
textStyle | Object | see textStyle props | watermark style(Use lowercase: textstyle in vue) | N |
options | Object | see options props | Watermark parameters | N |
container | document | document.body | native js parameters | N |
property name | default value | type | instructions | required |
color | #ccc | string | watermark font color | N |
fontWeight | 200 | number | watermark font weight | N |
fontSize | 14px | string | watermark font size | N |
font | 微软雅黑 | string | watermark font | N |
lineHeight | 1.2 | number | watermark font line-height | N |
textAlign | center | string | watermark font text-aling | N |
background | transparent | string | watermark background | N |
property name | default value | type | instructions | required |
zIndex | 99 | number | watermark z-index | N |
angle | -15 | number | watermark tilting power | N |
alpha | 0.8(暗水印0.005) | number | watermark transparency | N |
x | 0 | number | X - axis starting position of watermark | N |
y | 0 | number | Y - axis starting position of watermark | N |
rows | 0 | number | watermark lines | N |
cols | 0 | number | watermark columns | N |
- version 1.2.0 (official version) update time:2020.01.19
- Repair the default styles: opacity default value from 0.8 to 1;
- React server render optimization: return Fragment when server side render
- version 1.1.6 (official version) update time:2020.01.17
- fixed ie11 anti-deletion bug (replaceChild has delay)
- compression: reduces size by 1-2k
- version 1.1.5 (official version) update time:2020.01.09
- Enhanced anti-delete/anti-hide function
- version 1.1.2 (official version) update time:2020.01.03
- fix package.json main: /dist/watermark.js to dist/watermark.js(Cannot find module when rendering on the server side)
- Please do not use version 0.9.0 as it is the test version
- version 1.1.1 (official version) update time:2020.01.03
- fix Packaging file environment issues: webpack output globalObject specified
typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : this
(globalObject default window) - fix Server-side rendering issues: Because there is no window/document environment on the server side,See the package file for details
- fix Packaging file environment issues: webpack output globalObject specified
- version 1.1.0 (official version) update time:2019.12.31
- Anti-deletion function optimization: only watermark nodes are processed
- Style optimization: element stylization to prevent style nodes from being deleted
- version 1.0.1 (official version) update time:2019.12.23
- version 0.5.0@beta Update to the official version
- version 0.5.0@beta update time:2019.12.22
- add shadow DOM and Anti-deletion function(MutationObserver)
- version 0.4.3(first official edition) update time:2019.12.20
- parameter optimization
notice:React + reaction-router + ie11 has bugs in specific situations,prompt:DOMException NOTFOUNDERR(NOT_FOUND_ERR) Example: solution
// You need to outsource a layer div in the WaterMark component
import Routes from './router';
import WaterMark from '@brian-walker-toretto/watermark';
// Routes:react-router
class App extends React.Component {
// <>Routes + WaterMark</> There may be bugs in ie11 in this case
return <><Routes />{this.renderWaterMark()}</>;
renderWaterMark = () => {
const ie11 = 'ActiveXObject' in window && !window['ActiveXObject']; // ie11
// You need to outsource a layer div in the WaterMark component
return <div><WaterMark text={['testUserName', 1234567890]} /></div>;
return <WaterMark text={['testUserName', 1234567890]} />;
- Determine page width and height changes
- implementation react hooks version
- Developing more minprogram platform
- The API development
- react + react-router + ie11 there is a bug in a specific case, prompt: DOMException NOTFOUNDERR
- Anti-deletion function optimization: each watermark component will be updated randomly under the multi-watermark component (target: who changes who updates)
- [❎] The introduction of typescript/tslint
- [❎] packaging:rollup
- [❎] Unit testing:jest
- [❎] Dark watermark
- [❎] Performance optimization