A package for fitting Poisson generalized linear models (GLM) to the spike trains of a neuron recorded in the Poisson Clicks task
This software has been tested on Julia 1.10.0 and MATLAB R2023a.
> using Pkg
> Pkg.add(url="https://github.com/Brody-Lab/tzl_spGLM.git")
The installation should take no more than 5 minutes.
Spike times and the times of task events are loaded from a MATLAB MAT
file. Spikes are counted in time bins of
An example data file is located at here.
On time step
The time series
The input is convolved
where the columns of matrix
For the set related to "response" (i.e., "spoke"),
The trial-varying baseline
The optimization procedure learns both the parameters (i.e. regressor weights) and a hyperparamer (precision of the Gaussian prior on the parameters, analogous to a L2 penalty coefficient):
julia> using SPGLM
julia> csvpath = "/mnt/cup/people/zhihaol/Documents/tzluo/analyses/analysis_2024_04_22a_test_SPGLM/models.csv";
julia> options = SPGLM.Options(csvpath);
julia> trials = SPGLM.loadtrials(options);
julia> model = SPGLM.Model(options, trials);
julia> eo = SPGLM.maximizeevidence!(model)
Iter Function value Gradient norm
0 3.553781e+04 1.285527e+03
* time: 6.103515625e-5
1 3.340892e+04 1.124030e+03
* time: 0.05215096473693848
2 3.038869e+04 7.491107e+02
* time: 0.10418510437011719
3 2.782119e+04 3.308262e+02
* time: 0.15614914894104004
4 2.628437e+04 1.192378e+02
* time: 0.21809101104736328
5 2.546613e+04 2.909452e+01
* time: 0.25608205795288086
6 2.535228e+04 3.249330e+00
* time: 0.29502296447753906
7 2.535107e+04 4.872618e-02
* time: 0.33403897285461426
8 2.535107e+04 1.218098e-05
* time: 0.38610410690307617
9 2.535107e+04 1.225686e-12
* time: 0.44210100173950195
Evidence optimization iteration: 1: precision (a) = 0.5908446386657102
Evidence optimization iteration: 1: norm of the residual gradient of the log-posterior (g_residual) = 1.2256862191861728e-12
Evidence optimization iteration: 1: MAP optimization converged
Evidence optimization iteration: 1: approximate log-evidence (𝐸) = -25382.187862691735
Iter Function value Gradient norm
0 2.493416e+04 1.770758e+01
* time: 6.198883056640625e-5
1 2.491330e+04 1.655549e+01
* time: 0.05198216438293457
2 2.487574e+04 1.496841e+01
* time: 0.1039891242980957
3 2.481107e+04 1.249717e+01
* time: 0.15512514114379883
4 2.471561e+04 8.400673e+00
* time: 0.20711398124694824
5 2.462951e+04 2.547959e+00
* time: 0.2629849910736084
6 2.461760e+04 4.920018e-01
* time: 0.30104517936706543
7 2.461753e+04 2.734311e-03
* time: 0.3390049934387207
8 2.461753e+04 1.063443e-07
* time: 0.369035005569458
9 2.461753e+04 2.953931e-14
* time: 0.4078941345214844
Evidence optimization iteration: 2: precision (a) = 0.006298120303099656
Evidence optimization iteration: 2: norm of the residual gradient of the log-posterior (g_residual) = 2.9539305029802065e-14
Evidence optimization iteration: 2: MAP optimization converged
Evidence optimization iteration: 2: approximate log-evidence (𝐸) = -24707.60295639283
Iter Function value Gradient norm
0 2.461416e+04 8.121148e-02
* time: 6.29425048828125e-5
1 2.461414e+04 1.074387e-03
* time: 0.05279088020324707
2 2.461414e+04 1.031625e-08
* time: 0.10295701026916504
3 2.461414e+04 8.031770e-15
* time: 0.1548769474029541
Evidence optimization iteration: 3: precision (a) = 0.0051224104379705695
Evidence optimization iteration: 3: norm of the residual gradient of the log-posterior (g_residual) = 8.031769693772617e-15
Evidence optimization iteration: 3: MAP optimization converged
Evidence optimization iteration: 3: approximate log-evidence (𝐸) = -24707.271175121816
SPGLM.EvidenceOptimization{Vector{Float64}, Vector{Vector{Float64}}}
a: Array{Float64}((3,)) [0.5908446386657102, 0.006298120303099656, 0.0051224104379705695]
𝐸: Array{Float64}((3,)) [-25382.187862691735, -24707.60295639283, -24707.271175121816]
MAP_g_residual: Array{Float64}((3,)) [1.2256862191861728e-12, 2.9539305029802065e-14, 8.031769693772617e-15]
𝐰: Array{Vector{Float64}}((3,))
julia> characterization = SPGLM.Characterization(model)
julia> SPGLM.save(model)
julia> SPGLM.save(eo, model.options.outputpath)
julia> SPGLM.save(characterization, model.options.outputpath)
This should take no more than a few mintues
Let's check whether the model actually fit the data, using utilities in +SPGLM and +TZL
>> analysispath = 'V:\Documents\tzluo\analyses\analysis_2024_04_23a_test_SPGLM'
>> models = readtable(fullfile(analysispath, "models.csv"), 'delimiter', ',');
>> models.outputpath = TZL.cup2windows(string(models.outputpath));
>> load(fullfile(models.outputpath{1}, 'model.mat'))
>> load(fullfile(models.outputpath{1}, 'characterization.mat'))
>> peths = SPGLM.tabulatepeths(peths);
>> kernels = SPGLM.tabulatekernels(kernels);
Plotting the peri-event time histograms (PETH), aligned to the rat's movement onset, and conditioned on whether it made a left or a right choice:
>> reference_event = "movement";
>> conditions = ["leftchoice", "rightchoice"];
>> SPGLM.stylizeaxes
>> colors = get(gca, 'colororder');
>> h = [];
>> k = 0;
>> for i = 1:numel(conditions)
index = peths.condition == conditions(i) & peths.reference_event == reference_event;
k =k + 1;
h(k) = plot(peths.timesteps_s{index}, peths.observed{index}, '-', 'color', colors(i,:));
k =k + 1;
h(k) = plot(peths.timesteps_s{index}, peths.predicted{index}, '-', ...
'linewidth', 1, 'color', colors(i,:));
>> xlabel(['time from ' char(reference_event) ' (s)'])
>> ylabel('spikes/s')
>> ylim(ylim.*[0,1])
>> legend(h, {'left choice, observed', 'left choice, predicted', ...
'right choice, observed', 'right choice, predicted'}, 'location', 'northwest')
The model captures the choice-dependent peri-movement neuronal activity by treating the moment of movement onset as a transient impulse and fits convolution filters aligned to the impulse. Separate convolution kernels are fit for different choices.
Using similar code as above to plot the PETH aligned to the onset of auditory click trains, which is always preceded by a left and right click being played simultaneously (i.e., a so-called "stereoclick"). The meaning of the color and the line thickness are as above
>> reference_event = "stereoclick";
Or aligned to the onset of nose fixation
>> reference_event = "cpoke_in";
We can also check whether we capture the response aligned to either a left or a right click (also called the "click-triggered average").