Thank you for taking the time to view our application! This application will provide its users an enumeration of ingredients needed and step by step recipe on how to prepare any type of dish like a pro! This project will be developed using GraphQL, Apollo Server, MongoDB, Mongoose, Git, ReactJS, NPM Modules, HTML5, Semantic UI. For live deployement, we will be using Heroku and Mongodb Atlas.
- Project Description
- User Story
- Acceptance Criteria
- Mock-Up Preview
- Useful Links
- Tech Stack
- Contributors
- Credits
- License
AS AN adventurous eater
I WANT to search for new and unique dish
SO THAT I prepare it like a pro and eat.
GIVEN a dish search engine
WHEN I load the search engine
THEN I am presented with a menu with the options Search for Dishes and Login/Signup and an input field to search for dishes and a submit button
WHEN I click on the Search for Dishes menu option
THEN I am presented with an input field to search for dishes and a submit button
WHEN I am not logged in and enter a search term in the input field and click the submit button
THEN I am presented with several search results, each featuring a book’s title, author, description, image, and a link to that dish on the Google Dishes site
WHEN I click on the Login/Signup menu option
THEN a modal appears on the screen with a toggle between the option to log in or sign up
WHEN the toggle is set to Signup
THEN I am presented with three inputs for a username, an email address, and a password, and a signup button
WHEN the toggle is set to Login
THEN I am presented with two inputs for an email address and a password and login button
WHEN I enter a valid email address and create a password and click on the signup button
THEN my user account is created and I am logged in to the site
WHEN I enter my account’s email address and password and click on the login button
THEN I the modal closes and I am logged in to the site
WHEN I am logged in to the site
THEN the menu options change to Search for Dishes, an option to see my saved dishes, and Logout
WHEN I am logged in and enter a search term in the input field and click the submit button
THEN I am presented with several search results, each featuring a book’s title, author, description, image, and a link to that dish on the Google Dishes site and a button to save a dish to my account
WHEN I click on the Save button on a dish
THEN that book’s information is saved to my account
WHEN I click on the option to see my saved dishes
THEN I am presented with all of the dishes I have saved to my account, each featuring the book’s title, author, description, image, and a link to that dish on the Google Dishes site and a button to remove a dish from my account
WHEN I click on the Remove button on a dish
THEN that dish is deleted from my saved dishes list
WHEN I click on the Logout button
THEN I am logged out of the site and presented with a menu with the options Search for Dishes and Login/Signup and an input field to search for dishes and a submit button
The following photo(s) shows a preview of the application in production mode
Rachel Gregg @rgregg2014
Zana Mathuthu @zanamama
Gospel Chukwu @brondchux
Nafis Rahman @naf15
Appreciations to Ben 🙌🏾 of Columbia University, Software Engineering Coding Boot Camp and all of our teammates for making this all possible. for being our tutor in this bootcamp.
Special thanks to Google for helping us find the accurate answers to our questions in a very timely manner..