Alpha versions of this project can be found here.
EEex will support MacOS and Linux on launch, however, the current alpha version only supports Windows. In addition, BG2:EE v2.5.16.6 is the only supported game at the time of writing.
EEex is installed just as any other WeiDU mod. Simply extract the archive's contents into your game's base folder, and run the setup - it will take care of the rest. Please note that since EEex alters the game executable itself, you should ensure that the game is closed before running the installer!
EEex is currently in alpha, and as such it is highly unstable. All immediate crashes are believed to be fixed, though you still risk a crash at any time. Use with care.
The real power of EEex, however, comes from its ability to change hardcoded engine behavior. The hooks that enable these alterations are completely defined and controlled by the Lua environment, and as such, modders wishing to use these systems will have to either:
a) Insert a M_*.lua file into the override folder.
b) Edit UI.MENU directly.
Detailed documentation pending.