Organization. Make a like a to-do list for tabs.
Allows you to store the url that you want to read. Then add a description of what it is for. This will reduce the amount open tabs needed.
This differs from bookmarking in: Allows descriptions of tabs. Syncs on the cloud and is not directly tied to the browser or platform. Easier to delete or add tabs then the built in bookmarking systems in most browsers. (Stretch) Allows you to specify which day the tab is for and bring up that tab on that specific day.
For the Tab-Hoarder in all of us
Sign in. Navigation on all pages. CRUD operations for saving tabs. Home Page Category page
Allow users to specify which day the tab is for and bring up that tab on that specific day. Chrome Extension. Sharing Categories.
OneTab - (Chrome Extension) Provides basic tab list and allows sharing list via URLs. Toby - (Chrome Extension) Provides a drag and drop interface for managing tabs into groups and organizing tabs in a meaningful way. Evernote - Allows users to stay more organized by putting all their notes in one easy to access place. Also allows for clipping off the web.
Material Design
Sign in / Create an Account -> -- Home Page with most Recent tabs -> -- -- User taps on tab to open it -- -- User taps add to add a tab -- -- User taps nav to see categories and user switcher -> -- -- -- User taps category to go to category page -- -- -- User taps user account to sign out or edit
- Server: Node.js, Express, SQLite, JSON Web Token, Cors, Helmet, Kenex, Jest, Supertest
- Client: React,Axios, Materail-UI, React Anime, Babel, React Testing Library, Enzyme, Jest
- Web: Material Icons, Less
All of our APIs are internal.
Professional and Non-Professional users. Those who don’t want to be locked into a single platform. Anyone who has too many tabs and not enough space.
That they prefer bookmarks.
They wouldn't use it.
Research thoroughly before writing a single line of code. Solidify the features of your app conceptually before implementation. Spend the weekend researching so you can hit the ground running on Monday.
Prototype Key Feature(s)
- This is the “bread and butter” of the app, this is what makes your app yours. Calculate how long it takes to implement these features and triple the time estimated. That way you’ll have plenty of time to finish. It is preferred to drop features and spend more time working on your MVP features if needed.
git clone
git checkout -b <your name>
yarn start
git push origin <your-name>