Welcome! We are excited you are interested in working for Bunch.
- Fork this repo
- Clone your forked repo
- Work on any of the challenges below for 2 hours or so.
- Push your changes to your repo and send the repo to [email protected] and we will review and get back to you!
- You're free to spend as much time as you want on it but don't go too crazy. See what you can do in 2 hours or less but you can spread it out over time.
- Commit often, preferably with emojis 😆
- Have fun with it.
Feel free to choose one, both, or none of these and do your own thing. If you can complete them all - great - but no pressure. Pick the ones that show off what you are great at and do those!
When you run the repo you will see it has a CrappyLayout
that looks like the following
How cool would it be to instead render it in a layout similar to the Houseparty app? See below gif for example
- Handles all 4 layouts correctly
- In the 3 person mode the largest face is on the bottom
Nice to haves:
- Animation when a new member add/removed (bonus points if using a custom animation)
Lets implement a simple game! We are going to clone the famous Heads Up
game by Ellen. We will simplify it a bit though.
- When you press start game, the bottom buttons dissapear and the game buttons appear
- There is a 3 second countdown
- Able to pass/correct the words to move to the next one
- At the end of the game it can just exit the game
- Game lasts 30 seconds with a sliding countdown
Nice to haves
- Animation when you get a word correct/pass that animates the answer over the gif and darkens the background image
- Animation transitioning to the next gif (bonus points if custom)
- Fancier UI elements
In the end you should end up with something similar to this:
If you have an idea for something else you would like to add to it let your imagination go wild and impress us!
Some ideas:
- A scoreboard after the game
- Fancier custom animations (if you can show off some serious animation chops we will love it 💙 )
- Ability to drag the people around and change their position / resize them
- Integrate with redux/rxjs/sagas etc or do a nice refactoring
- The new Facetime layout
- Implement voice recognition or video filters 🤯
- Fix the UI for iPhone X
Remember, email your repo to us: [email protected]. Thanks for checking us out :)