Automation testing framework (API) - an example. Based on Java, REST assured, JUnit
JDK 11, Junit 4.12, REST Assured 4.3.0,
Maven (software project management)
-- automaton-v20
|-- .gitignore
`-- .github
`-- workflows
|-- maven.yml
|-- pom.xml
`-- src
`-- test
`-- java
`-- restapitests
The main reason was to understand how to use REST assured to test and verify a REST API. For a target service, I used one of my projects that is living on It's a simple REST API service to get popular quotes.
Tests are pretty straight. Each test verifies specific functionality like: get a quote, get a random quote, try to get a quote that doesn't exist, try to create a quote if a quote number already exists, edit a quote, create a quote, delete a quote.