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Bushmills edited this page Feb 21, 2022 · 2 revisions

Forth and Forth-alikes in some scripting language I like as test platforms for experimentation and trying out miscellaneous concepts. No translation or compilation needed, simply edit and launch, while much stuff those experiments may require or relate to (files, data structures, operations in general) may already be present, allowing me to focus on what I want to experiment with, rather than on building the tools needed - those experiments may after all result in disposing them, as they were deemed unusable, as they frequently are. Therefore, reusing already provided code here is a time saver compared to doing the groundworks myself - that will still be on list if some concept is found to be useful.

In fact did yoda start as an experimental implementation of a specific aspect of code when doing another experiment. But as so often, you start coding a "Hello, world!" kind of program, and end up with the compiler which generates that program for you. The existence of yoda is proof of this. It may be interesting to know that yoda doesn't contain many of the concepts of the experimentation of which it became a spinoff :) It has hooks for adding those, though.

Given the experimental nature of some of its features it is rather unlikely that yoda will ever become a Standard(s) compliant Forth, though I strive to keep it close enough to Forth that the differences aren't too obvious. In the majority of situations will you be able to use yoda as you would use (some of m)any other Forth. A page listing some of the differences can be found in the wiki (not_a_link_to_page_this_is).

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