Byte-Bash-Blitz👊 is a student-created, student-led technical community within Stella Mary's College of Engineering's Centre for Innovation. Our main motive is to provide a supportive and collaborative environment where students can skill up, learn together, share experiences, and empower one another. We believe in the power of student-driven learning and strive to create an atmosphere where everyone can follow our community motto, "Crush your limits👊”.
This GitHub organization will accomodate the following community activities,
- Repositories of Community Projects
- Templates for Event and Activity Reports
- Track Community projects
- Only Organization owners have permission to do everything in the Organization
- Teams are ways to manage groups of people in Organization.
- Teams can have permissions, but it's for individual repository or project, except some default teams.
Who are these owners, people with permission across Organization ?
1. Stella Mary's Enterprise Admin2. Industrial Organization Administration Advisor - Former IT Operations
3. Anyone Appointed by Enterprise or Community to Admistration
4. Current IT Operations Organizer of Byte-Bash-Blitz👊