Group Project for Fall 2021 at University of Alberta
Users can add a habit with a title and a reason. They also have an option to select what day to start that habit and what days it is visible.
Users can add an event for a particular habit. They have the option to write a comment, add a location, and upload a picture for that particular event.
Users can follow other users can see their public habits and their streak.
Dakota 💻 |
Henry 💻 |
Pranav 💻 |
Tauseef 💻 |
Kaaden 💻 |
Aron 💻 |
The goal of this project is to create a habit tracking app which also has social features like following other users.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. Copyright 2021 CMPUT301F21T34. Copy of the license
All test files are included in /androidTest because the entity classes implement interface Utilities that has an instance of FirebaseFireStore, which requires Android instrumentation to build properly.