- Seth Akins (Hedgemon4)
- Erin Hiebert (SecondFeline)
- K Phan (ketphan02)
- Teresa Saller (te-sa)
- Justin Schoenit (justino599)
Harp - A Secure Platform for Anonymous Video Submission
Please ensure the following are installed on your system:
- Clone the project using Git
- Obtain the two required environment files for local development by contacting one of the project devs:
- Follow the steps in: AWS Authentication Credentials Setup
- Project Setup
- Follow the steps in: Poll Worker Setup
- and: Local Development Setup
Running tests locally:
Run npm run cypress:open
to use the cypress GUI to run tests. Alternatively, run npx cypress run
to run all tests
in the commandline. Note: You need to have the website up and running to be able to run E2E tests.
Running tests in the CI pipeline:
Tests are automatically run every time you push to an active (non-draft) PR, but you can also run them manually
Project goal: To create a web application using AWS services for professionals who will receive video submissions from users while protecting their privacy.
- Senders: An average adult who has created a video of themselves, has access to Internet and phone/computer, and may want to have their face blurred throughout the video for privacy reasons.
- Receivers: Professionals (e.g., doctors, teachers, recruiters/interviewers) who need to review the video submissions for diagnosis or assessment reasons, and has access to Internet and computer.
Things to think about when scoping your project: This list is non-exhaustive. It is only meant to get you thinking about the variety of ways you may choose to scope and design this project.
- How can the app facilitate the recording of the video after the sender logs in?
- How might senders review what has been recorded and decide if they want to re-record it before submitting it?
- How will data security and user privacy be enforced and communicated to the senders?
- Will the application be responsive to work on phones, tablets, and desktops?
- Will the receiver be able to provide feedback to the sender, or request follow up video submissions?
- How will professionals know when a diagnosis/assessment is required?
- Can senders view their videos in the system and delete them?
- Will the senders or receivers be able to decide how long the videos should be retained in the system?
Our tests can be found in the cypress folder, documentation is contained in docs, and our code is in src. Our NextJS app uses an App Router, so URLs in our web app match the folder structure in our app directory.
├── ...
├── cypress # Tests (E2E, component, and unit)
├── docs # Documentation files
│ ├── ...
│ ├── guides # Project set-up guides
│ ├── plan # Project plan document
│ └── weekly logs # Personal and team logs
├── prisma # Database schema and migrations
├── public # Assets
├── src
│ ├── app # Source files
│ ├── components # Reusable React components
│ ├── lib # Helper classes
│ ├── ...
│ ├── types # TypeScript type definitions
│ └── utils # Utility functions
├── ...
└── README.md