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CPA-wrk committed Jan 13, 2025
1 parent c03dafd commit 375f57b
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Showing 7 changed files with 522 additions and 11 deletions.
22 changes: 11 additions & 11 deletions DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
Package: BAQM
Type: Package
Title: What the Package Does (Title Case)
Package: BAQM
Title: Analytics Functions for Babson AQM Courses
Version: 0.1.0
Authors@R: c(
"Jane", "Doe",
email = "[email protected]",
role = c("aut", "cre")
Description: More about what it does (maybe more than one line).
Continuation lines should be indented.
person("Peter", "Lert", , "[email protected]", role = c("aut", "cre"))
Description: Functions developed by instructors for AQM 1000 and AQM 2000
courses using R in the curriculum.
License: GPL (>= 2)
testthat (>= 3.0.0)
Config/testthat/edition: 3
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
75 changes: 75 additions & 0 deletions R/print.sumry.lm.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
print.sumry.lm <- function (sumry,
options = NULL,
na.print = "",
digits = max(5, getOption("digits") - 2),
signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"),
eps = .Machine$double.eps,
...) {
# Printing the summary of an lm object
# Always print the following tables (in order):
# stats, anova, coefficients
# Optional tables are printed, if given, in order given in options:
# v.correlation, cov.unscaled, correlation, residuals
# Summary output ends with 5-number+ summary of residuals and the call.
headings <- list(
stats = "Summary Statistics:",
anova = "Analysis of Variance:",
coefficients = "Coefficients:",
v.correlation = "Variable Correlation:",
cov.unscaled = "Coefficient Covariance:",
correlation = "Coefficient Correlation:",
fits = "Fits and Residuals:"
for (tbl_nm in c("stats", "anova", "coefficients", options)) {
if (is.null(sumry[[tbl_nm]])) {
cat("No ", headings[[tbl_nm]], "\n\n")
cat("\n", headings[[tbl_nm]], "\n", sep = "")
digits = digits,
na.print = na.print,
signif.stars = signif.stars,
eps = eps)
# Residuals summary
res <- sumry$residuals
res_df <- sumry$df[2]
r.sumry <- NULL
if (res_df > 5) {
nms <- c("Min", "1Q", "Median", "3Q", "Max", "Mean")
r.sumry <- sort(structure(c(
quantile(res, names = FALSE), mean(res)
), names = nms))
r.fmtd <- sapply(r.sumry, format, digits = digits + 1, nsmall = 1)
if (!is.null(i <- which(abs(r.sumry) < res_df * eps))) {
r.fmtd[i] <- paste0("<", format(res_df * eps, digits = 2))
r.sumry <- format(rbind(names(r.fmtd), r.fmtd), justify = "c")
dimnames(r.sumry) <-
list(c("", "Residuals summary: "), rep(" ", ncol(r.sumry)))
} else if (res_df > 0) {
r.sumry <- format(resid, digits = digits)
if (is.null(r.sumry)) {
cat("ALL", sumry$df[1],
"residuals are 0: no residual degrees of freedom!\n")
} else {
print.default(r.sumry, quote = FALSE, = 2)
# Lastly report the lm Call
s.note <- matrix(
nrow = 1,
ncol = 1,
dimnames = list("Call", NULL)
print.default(matrix(s.note, dimnames = list(paste0(
rownames(s.note), ": "
), "")), quote = FALSE)
130 changes: 130 additions & 0 deletions R/print.table.sumry.lm.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
print.table.sumry.lm <- function (tbl,
digits = max(4, getOption("digits") - 2),
signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"),
eps = .Machine$double.eps,
nsmall = 4,
na.print = "",
justify = "right",
quote = FALSE,
prnt.lgnd = c("coefficients"),
dig.test = max(1, min(5, digits - 2)),
...) {
tbl_nm <- sub(".sumry.lm", "", grep("sumry.lm", class(tbl), value = TRUE))
tbl_nm <- tbl_nm[!tbl_nm %in% "table"]
t.mat <- as.matrix(tbl)
t.fmtd <- array("", dim = dim(t.mat), dimnames = dimnames(t.mat))
t.note <- rbind(matrix(character(0), nrow = 0, ncol = 1), attr(tbl, "note"))
if (tbl_nm %in% c("v.correlation", "cov.unscaled", "correlation")) {
p <- NCOL(t.mat)
if (p > 1L) {
t.fmtd <- format(
round(t.mat, nsmall),
nsmall = nsmall,
digits = digits,
justify = justify
t.fmtd[!lower.tri(t.fmtd, diag = TRUE)] <- ""
} else {
nms <- colnames(t.mat)
i.pval <- which(substr(nms, 1, 3) %in% c("Pr(", "p-v"))
if (tbl_nm %in% "stats") {
s.cols <- c("R-Squared", "Adj-R2", "MAPE")
for (nm in nms[i.pval])
t.fmtd[, nm] <-
format.pval(t.mat[, nm], digits = dig.test, eps = eps)
for (nm in nms[nms %in% s.cols])
t.fmtd[, nm] <- format(t.mat[, nm], digits = digits, nsmall = nsmall)
for (nm in nms[!nms %in% c(nms[i.pval], s.cols)])
t.fmtd[, nm] <- format(t.mat[, nm], digits = digits)
t.fmtd <- cbind(paste(nms, "="), as.character(t.fmtd[1, ]))
t.grpd <- cbind(t.fmtd[1:3, ], t.fmtd[4:6, ], t.fmtd[7:9, ])
for (i in 1:6)
t.grpd[, i] <- format(t.grpd[, i], justify = c("r", "l")[1 + (i %% 2)])
c.nms <- c("Fit",
"Performance ",
if (signif.stars) for (i.p in i.pval) {
ij.p <- c((i.p - 1) %% 3 + 1, (i.p - 1) %/% 3 + 2)
strs <- rep(" ", 3)
sig <- symnum(
t.mat[, nms[i.p]],
corr = FALSE,
na = FALSE,
cutpoints = c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 1),
symbols = c("***", "**", "*", ".", " ")
strs[ij.p[1]] <- sig
t.note <- rbind(t.note, matrix(
attr(sig, "legend"),
nrow = 1,
ncol = 1,
dimnames = list("Signif.Levels", NULL)
t.grpd[, ij.p[2]] <- paste(t.grpd[, ij.p[2]], strs)
c.nms[ij.p[2]] <- paste(c.nms[ij.p[2]], " ")
spce <- rep(" ", 3)
t.grpd <- cbind(t.grpd[, 1:2], spce, t.grpd[, 3:4], spce, t.grpd[, 5:6])
c.nms <- c(c.nms[1:2], spce[1], c.nms[3:4], spce[1], c.nms[5:6])
t.fmtd <- matrix(t.grpd[, -1],
nrow = 3,
dimnames = list(t.grpd[, 1], c.nms[-1]))
} else {
# for coefficients and anova
i.tval <- which(substr(nms, 1, 3) %in% c("t-s", "t v"))
for (nm in nms[i.tval])
t.fmtd[, nm] <-
format(round(t.mat[, nm], digits = dig.test + 1),
digits = digits,
eps = eps)
for (nm in nms[i.pval])
t.fmtd[, nm] <-
format.pval(t.mat[, nm], digits = dig.test, eps = eps)
for (nm in nms[!nms %in% nms[c(i.pval, i.tval)]])
t.fmtd[, nm] <- format(t.mat[, nm], digits = digits, justify = justify)
t.fmtd[] <- NA
if (signif.stars) for (i.p in i.pval) {
sig <- symnum(
t.mat[, nms[i.p]],
corr = FALSE,
na = FALSE,
cutpoints = c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 1),
symbols = c("***", "** ", "* ", ". ", " ")
t.note <- rbind(t.note, matrix(
attr(sig, "legend"),
nrow = 1,
ncol = 1,
dimnames = list("Signif.Levels", NULL)
i <- which(![, nms[i.p]]))
t.fmtd[i, nms[i.p]] <- paste(t.fmtd[i, nms[i.p]], sig[i])
colnames(t.fmtd)[i.p] <- paste(colnames(t.fmtd)[i.p], " ")
t.fmtd, = 2,
quote = quote,
right = justify == "right",
na.print = na.print
if (nrow(t.note) > 0) {
p.note <- t.note
if (!tbl_nm %in% prnt.lgnd)
p.note <- p.note[!rownames(p.note) %in% "Signif.Levels", ]
if (length(p.note) > 0)
print.default(matrix(p.note, dimnames = list(paste0(
rownames(p.note), ": "
), "")), quote = FALSE)
attr(tbl, "note") <- t.note

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