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Learning Product Application

The Learning Program Branch recently adopted an integrated governance and development framework known as the Learning Content Development Process. This process defines the roles, activities, deliverables and gates required to develop a new learning product from inception to evaluation phase.

The current version of the process is tailored for a course development project. It is expected that future releases of the process will eventually support the full suite of the school learning product types (ex.: videos, job aids, case studies).

The Learning Product Application (LPA) was designed to meet these requirements.

More information and documentation on the project can be found on GCdocs.

Implemented Processes

  • Project Approval
  • Project Closure
  • Course Development
  • Course Publication
  • Course Deployment
  • Course Modification
  • Course Archival


LPA was designed using a single page application architecture. The application uses a number of open source projects to work properly:

  • Laravel - PHP Backend / Rest API
  • Camunda - Process workflow engine
  • Vuejs - Javascript framework
  • ElementUI - Vuejs components library
  • Vagrant - VM provisoning for local development


To contribute to the development of this application, you must install these dependencies:

  • PHP 7.2
  • PHP Composer
  • Nodejs
  • Git
  • VirutalBox
  • Vagrant


Configure Laravel

Navigate to your Laravel application directory and copy the .env.example file to .env. Edit the .env file with the configuration values matching your local environment.

Setup your dev-box virtual machine

You will need to download the dev-box VM in order to be able to deploy the application locally. You will find the dev-box under this shared repository. Create a Vagrant directory at the same level as your Laravel application directory. Within that Vagrant directory, create a subdirectory called dev-box and transfer these 3 files from the shared repository:

  • Vagrantfile

Once the files are transferred, you can validate the integrity of the file using this command:

# On Linux:
cd Vagrant/dev-box
sha384sum --check
# Should output " OK"

# On Windows:

Install the NFS support to synchronize your local Laravel application directory with the one used by the dev-box VM.

# On Linux:
sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server

# On Windows:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-winnfsd

Update your Vagrantfile under the Sync folder configurations to match your OS. Start the dev-box:

cd Vagrant/dev-box
vagrant up

Run the installation command

Once you've got your local dev-box VM running, you will need to install the application.

cd Laravel
composer install
php artisan app:install --force --populate
php artisan app:build dev

You should now be able to access your LPA application at http://localhost:8000.


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