Megan A.Sheridan 1,2*+, Xiahui Zhao2,3, Ridma C.Fernando1,2, Lucy Gardner1,2, Vicente Perez-Garcia1,2,3, Qian Li1,4, Steven G.E.Marsh5,6, Russell S. Hamilton2,4, Ashley Moffett1,2 and Margherita Y Turco1,2*++
1 Department of Pathology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
2 Centre for Trophoblast Research, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
3 Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
4 Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe, Eduardo Primo Yúfera, Valencia, Spain
5 Department of Genetics, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
6 Anthony Nolan Research Institute, Royal Free Hospital, London, UK
7 UCL Cancer Institute, Royal Free Campus, London, UK
*Corresponding authors:** Megan A.Sheridan ([email protected]) and Margherita Y.Turco ([email protected])
+current address: Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Women's Health, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO
++current address: Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research (FMI), Basel, Switzerland
Although understanding of human placental development is still limited, two models, trophoblast organoids and trophoblast stem cells (TSC) provide new useful tools to study this. Both differentiate from villous cytotrophoblast (VCT) to either extravillous trophoblast (EVT) or syncytiotrophoblast (SCT). Here, we compare transcriptomes and miRNA profiles of these models to identify which trophoblast they resemble in vivo. Our findings indicate that TSC do not readily undergo SCT differentiation and closely resemble cells at the base of the cell columns from where EVT are derived. In contrast, organoids are similar to VCT and undergo spontaneous SCT differentiation. A defining feature of human trophoblast is that VCT and SCT are HLA null whilst EVT express HLA-C, -G, -E molecules. We find that trophoblast organoids retain these in vivo characteristics. In contrast, TSC do express classical HLA-A and HLA-B molecules and still maintain their expression after EVT differentiation with upregulation of HLA-G. Furthermore, HLA expression in TSC differs when grown in 3D rather than 2D suggesting mechanical cues are important. Our results will allow choice of the most suitable model to study trophoblast development, function and pathology.
- RNASeq data: EMBL-EBI ArrayExpress E-MTAB-10429(
- Small RNA(miRNA) data: EMBL-EBI ArrayExpress E-MTAB-10438(
mRNA and small RNA sequencing was run on the NextSeq 500 (Illumina) using a
75-cycle high output, which generated approximately 400 million reads per run.
Library prep for bulk mRNA sequencing was done following the manufacturer
recommended protocol by using the Truseq stranded mRNA library kit (Illumina).
Library prep for small RNA sequencing was done by using the Bioo Nextflex protocol
(NEXTFLEX Small RNA-seq Kit v3 for Illumina Platforms). Data were aligned to
GRCh38 human genome (iGenomes, NCBI). The alignment and QC were processed
using the Nextflow (Di Tommaso et al., 2017; Ewels et al., 2020) pipeline (version
20.01.0, with the option “--aligner hisat2”. All scripts, with
details of software versions, a pipeline usage report and expression count files are
freely available from
Differential gene expression was performed with DESeq2(Love, Huber and Anders,
2014) package (v1.26.0, R v3.6.2) (Team, 2020) and with the same package read
counts were normalised on the estimated size factors. A principal component
analysis (PCA) was performed using the top most variable 2000 genes using
variance stabilizing transformed expression for gene counts (Fig.2A, SFig.3B). For each contrast,
differentially expressed genes with Benjamini–Hochberg (BH) adjusted p-values
<0.05 were identified. Significant differentially expressed genes from each
comparison SampleSheet_nextflow_reverse selected based on the adjusted p-values < 0.05 and absolute
log2FoldChange is greater than 1. For heatmaps (Fig.2A and SFig.3A), gene-level transcripts expression
values were derived by log2 normalized transformed values. ComplexHeatmap (v 2.6.2) was applied to generate the heatmap (Gu, Eils and Schlesner, 2016). To identify the key markers of each sample type (group) and generate unbiased clustering across six models, one against all DESeq2 analysis was performed. Gene lists are reported for each specific group in Tables S2-7. The top
up-regulated markers from each comparison were selected by order log2FOldChange and adjusted p-value (SFig.3A).
Gene Ontology (GO) and GO semantic similarity
pathway analysis was performed using R package clusterProfiler (v 3.14.3, Yu et al., 2012), GOSemSim (v 2.16.1, Yu et al. 2010) and rrvgo (v 1.2.0, Sayols S, 2020). Significant differential expressed genes identified using DESeq2 analysis between TSC-3D vs TO
were used as input. In order to check the enriched biological pathways for both up and down regulated DEGs identified as input, "compareCluster" function was used with the default clusterProfiler algorithm coupled with Fisher's exact test statistic (p ≤ 0.05,q ≤ 0.05). Unbiased biological process (BP) gene onotology enriched pathway analysis was also performed for all up and down-regulated DEGs. Based on the number of BP identified, GO semantic similarity was performed to cluster genes into different clusters basde on their functional similarity, and used to measure the similarities among all/up/down GO BP terms to reduce reduncdancy. GO plots were drawn using R package ggplot2 (v 3.3.2), enrichplot (v 1.10.2).
Normalized read counts were used in the statistical analysis of mRNA abundance of key genes. Raw sequencing reads are deposited at EMBL-EBI ArrayExpress with experimental code E-MTAB-10429.
nextflow run nf-core/rnaseq -resume -bg -profile singularity -r 2.0 --singleEnd --skipBiotypeQC \
--input SampleSheet_nextflow_reverse.csv --genome GRCh38 --aligner hisat2 \
--email [email protected] -with-report report_nextflow_reverse.html &> nextflow_command_reverse.resume.log &
Software versions Table:
Software | Version |
Nextflow | v20.01.0 |
FastQC | v0.11.8 |
Cutadapt | v2.5 |
Trim Galore! | v0.6.4 |
SortMeRNA | v2.1b |
STAR | vSTAR_2.6.1d |
HISAT2 | v2.1.0 |
Picard MarkDuplicates | v2.21.1 |
Samtools | v1.9 |
featureCounts | v1.6.4 |
Salmon | v0.14.1 |
StringTie | v2.0 |
Preseq | v2.0.3 |
deepTools | v3.3.1 |
RSeQC | v3.0.1 |
dupRadar | v1.14.0 |
edgeR | v3.26.5 |
MultiQC | v1.7 |
FeatureCounts merged ".tsv" file [tsv]
The analysis code is
Design formula ~ condition
- DESeq2 analysis with all different models (TSC-2D, TSC-3D, TSC-EVT, TSC-STC, TO, TO-EVT)
- DESeq2 pairwise analysis (TSC-3D vs TO)
- Gene Ontology analysis apply to the comparison TSC-3D vs TO
Figure | Link | Images | Legend |
Fig.2A | [PDF] | ![]() |
Principal component analysis (PCA) (with the top 2000 most variable genes) of the trophoblast cell models: TO (n=4), TO-EVT (n=4), TSC-2D (n=5), TSC- 3D (n=5), TSC-EVT (n=5), and TSC-SCT (n=5). |
Fig.2B | [PDF] | ![]() |
A heatmap of specific markers for each trophoblast subtype of the human first trimester placenta. The markers are divided into the following groups: pan-trophoblast, syncytiotrophoblast, cell column niche, and extravillous trophoblast. Hierarchical clustering is shown based on log2 normalised expression. |
Fig.3A | [PDF] | ![]() |
Enriched pathway analysis demonstrates upregulated and downregulated pathways in TSC-3D compared to TO. The gene ratio is the number of DEGs identified divided by the total genes in each pathway. Blue and red colors signify the adjusted p-values. |
Fig.4A | [PDF] | ![]() |
A gene ontology semantic analysis for enriched biological pathways up-regulated in TSC-3D compared to TO. |
SFig.3 | [PDF] | ![]() |
A heatmap utilizing unbiased clustering across all six groups. One against all DESeq2 analysis was performed to determine the top up-regulated markers from each comparison. Hierarchical clustering is shown based on log2 normalized expression. Select top 25 up-regulated genes from each group. |
SFig.4A | [PDF] | ![]() |
A heatmap of the top 250 most differentially expressed genes. Hierarchical clustering is shown based on log2 normalized expression. Genes of interest or genes that are typically associated with trophoblast are indicated with arrows/boxes. |
SFig.4B | [PDF] | ![]() |
Expression levels (log2 normalised counts) of genes commonly associated with HLA class I transcriptional regulation in TSC-2D, TSC-3D and TO. Pairwise comparisons were made by using a Wilcox test (specific p values are listed on the graph. Each dot corresponds to a different patient line. |
SFig.5A | [PDF] | ![]() |
PCA comparing the top 2000 most variable genes between the TO and the TSC-3D. Principal component 1 (PC1) accounted for 66% of the variance and separated the two groups. Genes associated with PC1 included many syncytiotrophoblast markers (PAPPA2, PSG1, VGLL3, PAPPA, PSG3, CSH1, PSG8, PLAC4, CGB5). |
SFig.xx1 | [PDF] | ![]() |
Gene ontology enriched Biological Process (BP) Pathways Semantic Similarity Analysis plot. There are total 23 clusters identified with 701 pathways, similarity parameter is 0.9. Corresponding plot data is Supplementary Data 2A. |
SFig.xx2 | [PDF] | ![]() |
Gene ontology down enriched Biological Process (BP) Pathways Semantic Similarity Analysis plot. There are total 9 clusters identified with 169 pathways, similarity parameter is 0.9. Corresponding plot data is Supplementary Data 2C. |
Table/Data | Link | Legend |
Table.S2-7,S9_SFig3,SFig4A | [XLSX] | significant DEGs (abs(l2fc)>=1 & padj <0.05) summary tables for each trophoblast cell model against the other models and the significant DEGs for TSC-3D vs TO compairison list, with basemean values, log2FoldChange, pvalue, padj and gene name. |
Table.S8_Fig3A | [CSV] | clusterProfiler biolgoical theme (reactome) comparison identified enriched pathways between up-regulated and down-regulated significant differential expressed genes for the DESeq2 model comparison TSC-3D vs TO models summary table. |
Table.S10_Fig4A | [CSV] | Gene ontology up-regulated enriched Biological Process (BP) Pathways Semantic Similarity Analysis data summary table. There are total 23 clusters identified with 575 pathways, similarity parameter is 0.9. |
Table.S11_SFigxx2 | [CSV] | Gene ontology down-regulated enriched Biological Process (BP) Pathways Semantic Similarity Analysis data summary table. There are total 9 clusters identified with 169 pathways, similarity parameter is 0.9. |
Tablexx1_SFig.xx1 | [CSV] | Gene ontology all enriched Biological Process (BP) Pathways Semantic Similarity Analysis data summary table. There are total 23 clusters identified with 701 pathways, similarity parameter is 0.9. |
TF_list | [xlsx] | |
TF_list_overlap | [CSV] | Human Transcriptome Factor list overlap with up-regulated DEGs in the model comparison TSC-3D vs TO. |
R version 3.6.2 (2019-12-12)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS 10.14.4
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS
Matrix products: default
BLAS: /storage/Software/packages/R-3.6.2/lib/
LAPACK: /storage/Software/packages/R-3.6.2/lib/
Random number generation:
RNG: Mersenne-Twister
Normal: Inversion
Sample: Rounding
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
other attached packages:
[1] ComplexHeatmap_2.5.1 apeglm_1.8.0
[3] limma_3.42.2 ggalt_0.4.0
[5] dplyr_0.8.5 plyr_1.8.6
[7] biomaRt_2.42.1 reshape2_1.4.4
[9] ggrepel_0.8.2 pheatmap_1.0.12
[11] cowplot_1.0.0 RColorBrewer_1.1-2
[13] ggplot2_3.3.0 DESeq2_1.26.0
[15] SummarizedExperiment_1.16.1 DelayedArray_0.12.3
[17] BiocParallel_1.20.1 matrixStats_0.56.0
[19] Biobase_2.46.0 GenomicRanges_1.38.0
[21] GenomeInfoDb_1.22.1 IRanges_2.20.2
[23] S4Vectors_0.24.4 BiocGenerics_0.32.0
[25] clusterProfiler_3.14.3 rrvgo_1.2.0
Contact Xiaohui Zhao (xz289 -at- and Russell S.Hamilton (rsh46 -at-