This is a fork of ozkl's DoomGeneric which adds port to the BootExecute environment of Windows XP and later.
- Visual Studio 2017 Windows XP toolset.
- InbvShim (
- Windows 7 DDK (for building InbvShim and ntdll.lib).
Only tested on Windows XP 32-bit. I don't know about later versions.
Note: Only 32-bit Debug builds are supported, anything else is broken. Copy over the ntdll.lib file from \path\to\WinDDK\7600.16385.1\lib\wxp\i386\ to the doomgeneric directory inside the project. Open the solution, right click "doomgeneric_nt" and select "Build".
From the x86/x64 Free Build Environment, cd to the directory where you have cloned InbvShim repository, and type 'build' to build the driver. You will find the inbvbootdrv.sys file in the objfre_wxp_x86 (objfre_win7_x64 if building for x64) folder.
Copy it to your system32\Drivers directory of your Windows installation. And then grab the inbvbootdrvinst.reg from one of the releases and double-click it to install.
Copy doomgeneric_nt.exe to C:\Windows\system32\ directory. There are two ways of launching it:
- Registry modification:
WARNING: Backing up the registry is very important before going down this path.
Open Registry Editor (regedit), go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager. Double-click BootExecute.
Replace this:
autocheck autochk *
autocheck autochk *
doomgeneric_nt -iwad \??\C:\Windows\doom2.wad -cdrom
Replace \??\C:\Windows\doom2.wad with the location where the IWAD is installed (remember to prefix it with \??\ before the full path).
Note that I don't recommend this way because it can make input non-functional, making it impossible to quit the program and requiring a hard reset.
- Native Shell (assuming you installed it beforehand):
cd to the directory where DoomGeneric NTNative is installed and type:
doomgeneric_nt.exe -iwad \??\path\to\iwad.wad -cdrom
Replace \path\to\ with the location where the IWAD is installed.
- 16-color mode for Windows GDI port activated with -4bit option.
- Savegames are broken.
- Picking a weapon crashes the program (bug inherited from original DoomGeneric).
- It's slow as hell, probably could use FastDoom's EGA drawing code for it.
Same as original DoomGeneric, except for some files:
i_main_nt.c: ReactOS project license. doomgeneric_nt.c: Uses code both from ZenWINX and Native Shell (LGPL). Bundled NDK: Used under the terms of GPLv2.