This ansible script will deploy a horcrux cluster, by first installing the latest version of horcrux. Next, it will initialize the configuration based on the cluster configuration described in inventory.yml
Security and management of any key material is challenging and is outside the scope of this software project. It is recommended to test this out on a test network.
As far as the law allows, this software comes as is, without any warranty or condition, and no contributor will be liable to anyone for any damages related to this software or this license, under any kind of legal claim.
Read up on the horcrux documentation [ ](Horcrux document). Make sure you read and understand the horcrux documentation (including the sample architecture).
Here is a sample configuration taken from the horcrux documentation:
# EXAMPLE configuration from horcrux documentation (Changed slightly to easily work with Vagrant)
This example with 3 signer nodes and 3 sentry nodes is represented in inventorysample.yml
. First make a copy of it to customize to your environment:
It is recommended before you continue that you setup a local test enviroment with Vagrant. The example configuration above is already mapped out in the provided Vagrantfile.
Here's how to do get setup:
$sudo apt install virtualbox vagrant
$vagrant box add ubuntu/focal64
Install ansible version 2.12.1 (or greater)
Update virtualbox network config: add the following line to /etc/vbox/networks.conf:
$vagrant up
Make sure you can ssh into each vm without a password with the following: (NOTE: there is probably an easier way to do this step)
$ssh -i ~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key [email protected]
$ssh -i ~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key [email protected]
$ssh -i ~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key [email protected]
Edit the makefile to make sure that hostarch
is set properly for your ansible deploy enviroment. This is needed to download the correct LOCAL version of horcrux. Next you need a validator key. For this example you can grab any priv_validator_key.json
$make deps
$cp priv_validator_key.json keys/
ansible-playbook -i inventory_vagrant.yml horcrux.yml -e "target=horcrux_cluster"
Note it doesn't matter at this point what these values are. This is just for demonstration purposes. The command below will update the following files in your horcrux cluster:
ansible-playbook -i inventory_vagrant.yml horcrux_state.yml -e "target=horcrux_cluster block_height=361402 block_round=0 block_step=3 "
At this point your cluster should be running. Poke around at things and make sure things are working as intended. If there are any issues, now is the time to fix things.
Again go through the horcrux cluster. Ensure that the configuration files are correct and match up with the horcrux documentation.
Once you have things working in your local test environment, below are some guidelines on how to deploy to a live environment,
Create 3 signer vms. Ensure that the ansible_user
defined in inventory.yml is created and has sudo (no password) enabled.
$ cp inventorysample.yml inventory.yml
Edit inventory.yml and update to mimic your environment.
If on a bare metal environment, ensure that at a minimum you have wireguard access between each member of the horcrux cluster. Some hosting providers also provide a private network interface which is also an option. Next, make sure that the signer cluster has private network access to each sentry.
Place the priv_validator_key.json into the keys/ directory.
$make deps
$cp priv_validator_key.json keys/
This step will create the horcrux user, install the latest version of horcrux, and setup an an initial config based on your inventory file.
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml horcrux.yml -e "target=horcrux_cluster"
If all goes well you should have your horcrux cluster all setup but not running yet.
update $NODE_HOME/config/config.toml
and ensure that the following line is present:
priv_validator_laddr = "tcp://"
Next ensure that ONLY your signer nodes have access to TCP port 1234. Strongly recommend that you use either a private network or at least a wireguard connection. Verify that the firewall rules are working now.
OK now comes the moment of truth. Stop your validator and examine $NODE_HOME/data/priv_validator_state.json
Take careful note of the following variables: block_height
, block_round
and block_step
. Take note of them.
Next we will will update the following files on each signer node and restart the horcrux cluster:
Example run:
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml horcrux_state.yml -e "target=horcrux_cluster block_height=361402 block_round=0 block_step=3 "
Restart your full sentry nodes. If all goes well you should be up and running!
Please read the horcrux document carefully and ensure that you understand all risks associated with key management.
This ansible script creates a horcrux user (with limited capabilities). It also requires ansible_user
with full sudo access (no password). It is recommended that you completely remove this user after deploy, or at a minimum remove sudo access. Finally, the signer nodes should not expose ANY ports to the internet.
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