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Vesting Smart Contract

This smart contract validates Ada is unlocked only when the vesting deadline has passed.


The compile the code to a Plutus smart contract, run:

cabal run vesting-sc -- write --output scripts/vesting.plutus

This will write a file to scripts/vesting.plutus

A shell.nix is also providing for nix users.

Creating the Script Address

After compiling the smart contract, it is necessary to make a script address.

First source either the testnet or mainnet environment variables.

For testnet

$ source scripts/envars/testnet-env.envvars

For mainnet

$ source scripts/envars/mainnet-env.envvars

The environment variable files set CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH to the path of the appropriate Daedalus socket file (either Testnet Daedalus or the regular mainnet Daedalus). It you run a cardano-node on your own you should set this environment variable to your socket file location after sourcing the environment variable file.

Next, run:


This will make the files testnet/vesting.addr or mainnet/vesting.addr.

Example Transactions

Example transactions can be found in scripts/core. The scripts are used by other scripts in scripts/happy-path which demonstrates how to create a vesting schedule and unlock vested value after the deadline has passed.

Example Datums

The datum for a vesting schedule consists of the address of the beneficiary and the vesting schedule - a list of amounts and when they are vested and available to unlock by the beneficiary.

To create a datum file, the vesting-sc tool can be used

$ cabal run -- vesting-sc datum \
  --beneficiary 67614c1b06ddbb100cb6cbe919594cac31771c25530b6c7f28da242b \
  --portion $(date -d '+1 month' '+%s'):1000000 \
  --portion $(date -d '+2 month' '+%s'):1000000

This creates a datum with a vesting schedule for 2 Ada: the 1 Ada vests after one month and the second Ada vests after two months.

Full System Testing Prerequistes

Before testing you need to make sure you have cardano-cli installed and on your path, and it must be version 1.31.0 or greater. You will also need the json utility jq as well as cardano-cli helper cardano-cli-balance-fixer which can be downloaded here:

Init (only done once)

First create the wallets and get the protocol parameters.

$ ./scripts/wallets/
$ ./scripts/

Manual Testing

We will walk through the process of manually testing creating a vesting schedule and unlocking vested amounts.

After following the setup steps above, first make sure that the ~/$BLOCKCHAIN_PREFIX/benefactor.addr and ~/$BLOCKCHAIN_PREFIX/beneficiary.addr have Ada.

Now create a vesting schedule by calling:

$ scripts/happy-path/ 0 300 600

This will create a vesting schedule where 1 Ada vests after 300 seconds (5 minutes) and another Ada vests after 600 seconds (10 minutes). The 0 is namespace so we can have more than one auction going at a time.

Wait for the next slot:

$ scripts/wait/

You can now view the token at the smart contract address:

$ scripts/query/sc

When the time is right, call close:

$ scripts/happy-path/

Wait for the next slot, and then check that the value was added to beneficiary's wallet:

$ scripts/query/beneficiary

Note that if you wait until everything is vested, the beneficiary will have received all the value.