Our team:
- Felix Chen
- Christopher Costa
- Brian Durkin
- Jason Fleshel
- Max Janney
- Karim Salem
Assembler is a 2D open world strategy survival building game that implements multiplayer, sandbox, and single player capabilities with different game modes. The player will start on a randomly generated map given some starter items (a low level gun for defense and an axe for mining) for survival, along with the ability for other players to join this session. The end goal of the game is to survive against the AI controlled enemy targeting the base of the player.
- Random map generation
- Account based online service
- Private chat between players
- Enemy AI with pathfinding
- In game chat
- Real time multiplayer gameplay
- Building/crafting ability
- Server side statistics
The player will start with basic tools to find the resources that include raw materials such as iron and copper or items to acquire from the world by traversing it. The incentives for the player will be given through the game by viewing a tech tree for the player to access at any time that guides through their strategic planning of their building bases. Our tech tree is a tree where each node represents a specific weapon, item, advancement, or structure that helps with the progression of the game. Moreover, the AI will use pathfinding to attack the player in swarms, which adds an extra layer of difficulty.
- Mining ore will cause a visual glitch in the middle of the map
- When moving items around in the inventory a visual bug will appear in the world
The acceptance testing document can be found here.
Please direct any questions to Jason Fleshel ([email protected]).
Please download our most recent release of Assembler here.
To Build the game you will need the Unity editor version 2020.3.26f1 and download the source code from the the "demo 3 release" from the releases page.
To install Unity editor 2020.3.26f1 :
- Downlaod Unity Hub here and install it.
- Go to https://unity3d.com/get-unity/download/archive and go down to Unity202.x.
- Scroll down until you see the 2020.3.26f1 version of unity.
- Click the green button with "Unity Hub" next to it. At this point your unity hub should start installing that version.
- After the unity editor finishes installing, unzip the source code and locate the folder from the unity hub where you unzipped the code.
- Click the project shown on the unity hub and it should starts up the unity editor.