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CarltonSemple committed Dec 21, 2014
1 parent 0b30752 commit 09970e0
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Showing 3 changed files with 1,022 additions and 0 deletions.
107 changes: 107 additions & 0 deletions BubbleSort.asm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
TITLE MASM Template (homework5.asm)

; Carlton Semple
; BubbleSort Lab
; Revision date:

makecount = 10000
count DWORD ?
innercount = 9999
;array DWORD makecount DUP(?)
array DWORD makecount DUP(?)

startTime DWORD ?
message1 BYTE "Elapsed Time in Milliseconds: ", 0

main PROC

mov esi, 0 ; used to iterate through the array
mov ecx, makecount ; ecx contains the number of times the loop should run
;mov ebx, 100 ; use ebx for a test
call Randomize
mov eax, 10000
call RandomRange
mov array[esi * TYPE array], eax ; switch to ebx for testing 1 - 10
;;;;;; mov ebx, array[esi * TYPE array] ; test to see that the array values are correct
inc esi
dec ebx
loop GenerateRandomArray

; timer
call GetMSeconds
mov startTime, eax

call bubbleSort
call printArray

call GetMSeconds
sub eax, startTime

mov edx, OFFSET message1
call WriteString
call WriteDec
call Crlf

main ENDP

bubbleSort PROC
mov ecx, makecount ; initialize ecx

mov count, ecx ; save outer loop count (page 126 in book)

; the following is for the inner loop
mov ecx, innercount ; count - 1, the count for the inner loop
mov esi, 0 ; esi is the index
mov edi, 1 ; edi is the ahead index: esi + 1

mov ebx, array[esi * TYPE array]
mov edx, array[edi * TYPE array]
cmp ebx, edx ; compare array[i] & array[i+1]
JLE next ; do nothing if array[i] <= array[i+1]
; else if (array[i] > array[i+1])

; swap
mov ebx, array[esi * TYPE array] ; ebx = array[i]
xchg ebx, array[edi * TYPE array] ; ebx = array[i+1]. array[i+1] = array[i]
xchg ebx, array[esi * TYPE array] ; ebx = array[i]. array[i] = array[i+1]

inc esi
inc edi
loop InnerLoop ; end of the inner loop
mov ecx, count ; restore the value of ecx for the outer loop
loop OuterLoop ; ecx = ecx - 1

bubbleSort ENDP

printArray PROC

mov ecx, makecount
mov esi, 0
mov eax, array[esi * TYPE array]
call WriteDec
call Crlf ; newline
inc esi
loop print

printArray ENDP

END main
278 changes: 278 additions & 0 deletions Calculator.asm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
TITLE MASM Template (SempleCarlton_Calculator.asm)

; Carlton Semple
; Calculator Lab
; Date: 4/27/2014

welcome BYTE "---------- Carlton's Calculator ----------", 0
intro1 BYTE "1 = Addition", 0
intro2 BYTE "2 = Subtraction", 0
intro3 BYTE "3 = Multiplication", 0
intro4 BYTE "4 = Division", 0
intro5 BYTE "5 = Quit", 0
correctiveStatement BYTE "Please enter a valid choice", 0
farewell BYTE "Goodbye", 0

prompt1 BYTE "Enter the first number: ", 0
prompt2 BYTE "Enter the second number: ", 0
success BYTE "Result: ", 0

; symbols to make things look nicer
plus BYTE " + ", 0
minus BYTE " - ", 0
star BYTE " * ", 0
slash BYTE " / ", 0
equalsign BYTE " = ", 0

; zero error
NoZeroDenominator BYTE "The denominator cannot be 0. Reenter the divisor", 0
choice SDWORD ?
number1 SDWORD ?
number2 SDWORD ?
result SDWORD ?
main PROC
call menu

cmp choice, 1
jl Retry
cmp choice, 5
jg Retry
cmp choice, 5
je Quit ; quit if 5 is the choice

;; decide what to do based on the value of choice
call decide
jmp Begin

;; remind the user to enter a valid choice
mov edx, OFFSET correctiveStatement
call WriteSTring
call crlf
call crlf
jmp Begin ; jump back to the beginning if none of the options were chosen

mov edx, OFFSET farewell
call WriteString
main ENDP

menu PROC
;; print out the options using edx and WriteString

mov edx, OFFSET welcome ; welcome message
call WriteString
call crlf
mov edx, OFFSET intro1 ; option 1
call WriteString
call crlf
mov edx, OFFSET intro2 ; option 2
call WriteString
call crlf
mov edx, OFFSET intro3 ; option 3
call WriteString
call crlf
mov edx, OFFSET intro4 ; option 4
call WriteSTring
call crlf
mov edx, OFFSET intro5 ; option to quit
call WriteString
call crlf

;; move the input into choice, which will be used by another function to determine what to do

call ReadInt
mov choice, eax
menu ENDP

decide PROC
; Get the numbers first

;; get the first number
mov edx, OFFSET prompt1
call WriteString
call crlf
call ReadInt ;; prepare for signed numbers
mov number1, eax

;; get the second number
mov edx, OFFSET prompt2
call WriteString
call crlf
call ReadInt
mov number2, eax

; Decide what to do based on the value of choice

; addition
cmp choice, 1
je addition

; subtraction
cmp choice, 2
je subtraction
; multiplication
cmp choice, 3
je multiplication
; division
cmp choice, 4
je division

decide ENDP

addition PROC

; add the numbers
mov eax, number1
add eax, number2
mov result, eax ; save the result

; display result
mov eax, number1
call crlf
call WriteInt ; display first number

mov edx, OFFSET plus
call WriteString ; display " + "

mov eax, number2
call WriteInt ; display second number

mov edx, OFFSET equalsign
call WriteString ; display " = "
mov eax, result
call WriteInt ; display result

call crlf
call crlf
addition ENDP

subtraction PROC
; subtract the numbers
mov eax, number1
sub eax, number2
mov result, eax ; save the result

; display result
mov eax, number1
call crlf
call WriteInt ; display first number

mov edx, OFFSET minus
call WriteString ; display " + "

mov eax, number2
call WriteInt ; display second number

mov edx, OFFSET equalsign
call WriteString ; display " = "
mov eax, result
call WriteInt ; display result

call crlf
call crlf

subtraction ENDP

multiplication PROC
; multiply the numbers
mov eax, number1
mov ebx, number2 ; move the number to a register first
imul ebx ; multiply eax by ebx
mov result, eax ; save the result

; display result
mov eax, number1
call crlf
call WriteInt ; display first number

mov edx, OFFSET star
call WriteString ; display " + "

mov eax, number2
call WriteInt ; display second number

mov edx, OFFSET equalsign
call WriteString ; display " = "
mov eax, result
call WriteInt ; display result

call crlf
call crlf

multiplication ENDP

division PROC
; divide the numbers
mov eax, number1
mov ebx, number2 ; move the number to a register first

; make sure the divisor isn't 0
cmp ebx, 0
jz NoZeroesAllowed ; tell the user that 0 isn't allowed as the denominator

idiv ebx ; divide eax by ebx
mov result, eax ; save the result

; display result
mov eax, number1
call crlf
call WriteInt ; display first number

mov edx, OFFSET star
call WriteString ; display " + "

mov eax, number2
call WriteInt ; display second number

mov edx, OFFSET equalsign
call WriteString ; display " = "
mov eax, result
call WriteInt ; display result

call crlf
call crlf
jmp EndDivision

NoZeroesAllowed: ; tell the user that 0 isn't allowed as the denominator, then retry
mov edx, OFFSET NoZeroDenominator
call WriteString
call crlf
call ReadInt
mov number2, eax
jmp check

division ENDP

END main

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