An instagram bot works without instagram api, only needs your username and password. written on ruby.
if you like it just... hit the star button to make me happy! (≖ᴗ≖✿)
Add this to your Gemfile:
gem 'instabot'
and be sure you run this bundle install
or install it for yourself:
$ gem install instabot --no-ri --no-rdoc
here is the manual example:
require 'instabot'
bot = :manual # => Available modes => :manual, :default => default mode is :default
bot.login("username","password") # => manual login
bot.follow(11111111) # user id
bot.unfollow(11111111) # user id # media id
bot.unlike(1111111) # media id
bot.comment(1111111, "comment text here") # media id
bot.logout() # => logout from current account
and here is the automatic example:
require 'instabot'
Config.setup do |set|
set.username = 'replace_your_username'
set.password = 'replace_your_password'
set.tags = ["test","hello","birthday"]
set.wait_per_action = 1 * 60 # => second
set.max_like_per_day = 50
set.max_follow_per_day = 50
set.max_unfollow_per_day = 50
set.max_comment_per_day = 50
set.infinite_tags = true
set.print_banner = true
set.pre_load = false
set.comments = [
["this", "the", "your"],
["photo", "picture", "pic", "shot", "snapshot"],
["is", "looks", "feels", "is really"],
["great", "super", "good", "very good", "good","wow", "WOW", "cool", "GREAT","magnificent","magical", "very cool", "stylish", "beautiful","so beautiful", "so stylish","so professional","lovely", "so lovely","very lovely", "glorious","so glorious","very glorious", "adorable", "excellent","amazing"],
[".", "..", "...", "!","!!","!!!"]
bot = # => Available modes => :manual, :default => default mode is :default
bot.mode(:infinite) # => Available modes => :infinite, :clean_up
Note: be careful about using
set.use_proxy = true # => it's so important to enable the proxy usage
set.proxy = ["localhost",8888] # without username and password
set.proxy = ["localhost",8000,"USERNAME","PASSWORD"] # with username and password
set | description | value (example) |
username | this is your IG username | replace_your_username |
password | this is your IG password | replace_your_password |
tags | This script use tags for searching medias | write whatever you want like this ["hello_world", "test"] in an array form |
wait_per_action | if you want to use automatic mode so then you have to use this, because you will be banned from IG | 1 * 60 |
max_like_per_day | this is the max likes per day limitation | 100 |
max_follow_per_day | this is the max follows per day limitation | 100 |
max_unfollow_per_day | this is the max unfollows per day limitation | 100 |
max_comment_per_day | this is the max comments per day limitation | 100 |
infinite_tags | grab new tags by medias (infinite tag grabber) | ture or false |
print_banner | enable or disable banner | true or false |
comments | the comments you want to post in medias | just change the values in example |
pre_load | load pre configurations in logs folder | followed_users.txt , unfollowed_users.txt , liked_medias.txt , commented_medias.txt |
use_proxy | enabling and disabling the proxy usage | true or false |
proxy | http(s) proxy details | write it on an array form like this ["IP",PORT] or if it has username and password you have to use this format ["IP",PORT,"USERNAME","PASSWORD"] |
Development description:
Methods are available on rubydoc.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
- Activesupport
- Colorize
- Mechanize
- hashie
Still no idea... what do you think?