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A gulp task to compile and render dust templates based on a provided context object


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A gulp task to compile and render dust templates based on a provided context object.


This gulp task expects a dust template as input, a context object provided as an option, and outputs the rendered dust template.

As a gulp task

Require this package and use as part of your gulp task.

var GulpDustCompileRender = require('gulp-dust-compile-render');
.pipe(new GulpDustCompileRender())


gulp-dust-compile-render ⇒ through2

A gulp task to compile and render dust templates based on a provided context object. Returns: through2 - readable-stream/transform

Param Type Default Description
context Object Context object containing properties referenced in dust templates. NOTE: the context object will be set upon instantiating the function. Pass an object as the context and add properties to the object post instantiating the function but prior to executing the gulp pipe.
opts Object Task configuration options
[opts.partialsGlob] string "''" A glob pattern for the dust templates to be loaded as partials that can be referenced in dust templates
[opts.preserveWhitespace] boolean true Preserve whitespace in output
[opts.ignoreUndefinedTags] boolean false Ignore dust tags undefined in the context object. Does not work with paths e.g. obj.subobj
[opts.helper] String '' A dustjs helper package to load. To load the dustjs helpers pass 'dustjs-helpers'. Note only 'dustjs-helpers' is loaded as a dependency of this package.

Given the dust file:

//jshint ignore:start
var author = "{author}";
var name = "{name}";
var description = "{description}";
var version = "{version}";

When you pass the dust file to a new GulpDustCompileRender() using 'package.json' as context, and pipe it to a given destination. NOTE: the context object will be set upon instantiating the function. In the example below new GulpDustCompileRender(context) is compiled before the gulp pipe executes. If you change the context itself during the gulp pipe it will not be seen by GulpDustCompileRender. To workaround this behaviour you can pass an object as the context and add/change properties of the object post instantiating the function but prior to executing the gulp pipe.

var GulpDustCompileRender = require('gulp-dust-compile-render');
var context = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('package.json'));
.pipe(new GulpDustCompileRender(context))

Then you'll get a compiled and rendered dust file:

//jshint ignore:start
var author = "John Barry";
var name = "gulp-dust-compile-render";
var description = "A gulp task to compile and render dust templates based on a provided context object.";
var version = "0.2.9";

documented by jsdoc-to-markdown.


Type ID Summary
Version: 0.2.9 - released 2016-02-12
Non-functional MDGDCR-29

Package: Update package dependencies


Fix issue with plugin causing side-effects.

Version: 0.2.8 - released 2015-11-13
Non-functional MDGDCR-28

Package: Update package dependencies

Version: 0.2.7 - released 2015-08-25
Non-functional MDGDCR-27

Package: Configure for travis-ci

Version: 0.2.6 - released 2015-06-12
Non-functional MDGDCR-26

Package: Update package dependencies

Version: 0.2.5 - released 2015-05-24
Non-functional MDGDCR-25

Package: Update development dependencies

Version: 0.2.4 - released 2015-05-21
Non-functional MDGDCR-24

Package: Update dependencies

Non-functional MDGDCR-23

Package: Update jsdoc2markdown and regenerate documentation

Version: 0.2.3 - released 2015-04-11
Non-functional MDGDCR-22

Package: Update package dependencies

Version: 0.2.2 - released 2015-03-07
Non-functional MDGDCR-21

Package: Update package dependencies

Non-functional MDGDCR-20

Package: Update eslint configuration, test.js runner and dev dependencies

Non-functional MDGDCR-19

Package: Update eslint configuration, test.js runner and dev dependencies

Version: 0.2.1 - released 2014-11-16
Non-functional MDGDCR-18

Package: Correct readme description of helper option

Version: 0.2.0 - released 2014-11-16
Minor MDGDCR-17

Package: Add option to load dustjs-helpers

Version: 0.1.13 - released 2014-11-16
Non-functional MDGDCR-16

Package: dustjs-helpers are not loaded

Although dustjs-helpers are listed in the dependencies, they're never loaded.

Version: 0.1.12 - released 2014-11-14
Non-functional MDGDCR-15

Package: README example block shows the wrong code

Below "Given the dust file:" it displays the already rendered output instead of the dust file.

Non-functional MDGDCR-14

Package: Migrate from jshint to eslint static code analysis

Version: 0.1.11 - released 2014-10-12
Non-functional MDGDCR-13

Package: Update package dependencies

Non-functional MDGDCR-11

Package: Remove all gulp tasks except 'test' and update readme docs

Version: 0.1.10 - released 2014-10-06
Non-functional MDGDCR-10

Package: Update package dependencies

Non-functional MDGDCR-9

Package: Update readme-usage with notes about changing the context post instatiating the function

Version: 0.1.9 - released 2014-08-28
Non-functional MDGDCR-8

Package: Migrate to new Cellarise Package Manager

Version: 0.1.8 - released 2014-08-24

Parser: Fix option defaults lost when setting one or more options.

Option defaults not retained when setting at least one option

Version: 0.1.7 - released 2014-08-21
Non-functional MDGDCR-6

Package: Update dependencies

Version: 0.1.6 - released 2014-08-16

Package: Add path to main library in package.json

Feature MDGDCR-5

Render: Ignore dust tags with no context property

As a developer I can select to ignore dust tags with no context property So that I do not have to escape content in dust templates that are not meant to be rendered

Non-functional MDGDCR-3

Package: Configure build and deployment tasks

Version: 0.1.2 - released 2014-08-12
Feature MDGDCR-2

Package: Add compile and render dust template functions

As a developer I can compile and render dust templates as a gulp task So that I can easily integrate use of dust templates into my build process


MIT License (MIT). All rights not explicitly granted in the license are reserved.

Copyright (c) 2015 John Barry


[email protected] - "MIT License (MIT)", documented by npm-licenses.


A gulp task to compile and render dust templates based on a provided context object







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