Note : Due to vercel and netlify having problem with websocket connections, I have deployed project without code for now but still you can refer code in this repository, will work on localhost. I am looking for options for deployment, suggestions will be appreciated
- Clone or download repository on local
- There are no local env variables so you can directly run the project.
- Do the npm install to download dependecies
- Then npm start to start the project
- Here we go you can now become artist :)
This project is realtime drawing board, user can draw anything on multiple screens with pencil which has different color and sizes options same for eraser user can erase.
- Drawing Feature: Easily draw with pencil and erase with eraser.
- Download Feature: User can download any thing which drawn on screen.
- Stciky Notes: User can create sticky notes which supports text as well as images which can be uploaded, also it can be drag and drop, with minimize and delete functionality .
- Upload Feature: User can upload images on sticky notes.
- Undo Redo: User can undo and redo the actions/drawings on screen.
- Draw sketches with multiple colors and sizes, you can also correct sketches with eraser.
- Create sticky notes which can be minimized and deleted.
- With the download functionality you can download sketches.
- With upload feature you can upload images and drawnigs into sticky notes.
- Undo and redo the drawings at will.
Live:- openboard-project live