Beautify your image or video.
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Beautifier_EN | Introduction | Related Paper | Code | Beautifier_CN |
glitch | click | N/A | click | 信号故障特效 |
douyineffect | click | N/A | click | 抖音特效 |
characterize | click | N/A | click | 视频转字符画 |
cartoonise | click | N/A | click | 图像卡通化 |
photomosaic | click | N/A | click | 拼马赛克图片 |
beziercurve | click | N/A | click | 贝塞尔曲线画画 |
geneticfittingcircle | click | N/A | click | 遗传算法拟合图像-圆形 |
geneticfittingpolygon | click | N/A | click | 遗传算法拟合图像-多边形 |
nostalgicstyle | click | N/A | click | 照片怀旧风格 |
photocorrection | click | N/A | click | 简单的照片矫正 |
pencildrawing | click | click | click | 铅笔素描画 |
cartoongan | click | click | click | 卡通GAN |
fastneuralstyletransfer | click | click | click | 快速风格迁移 |
cartoonizeface | click | click | click | 人脸卡通化 |
noteprocessor | click | click | click | 手写笔记处理 |
oilpainting | click | click | click | 照片油画化 |
- ffmpeg: You should set ffmpeg in environment variable.
- Pytorch: To apply some of the supported beautifiers (e.g., cartoongan), you need to install pytorch and corresponding dependencies following tutorial.
run "pip install pydrawing"
(1) Offline
Step1: git clone
Step2: cd pydrawing -> run "python install"
(2) Online
run "pip install git+"
import random
from pydrawing import pydrawing
filepath = 'asserts/dog.jpg'
config = {
"savedir": "outputs",
"savename": "output"
drawing_client = pydrawing.pydrawing()
drawing_client.execute(filepath, random.choice(drawing_client.getallsupports()), config=config)
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- Videodl: A lightweight video downloader written by pure python.
- Pytools: Some useful tools written by pure python.
- PikachuWeChat: Play WeChat with itchat-uos.
- Pydrawing: Beautify your image or video.
- ImageCompressor: Image compressors written by pure python.
- FreeProxy: Collecting free proxies from internet.
- Paperdl: Search and download paper from specific websites.
- Sciogovterminal: Browse "The State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China" in the terminal.
- CodeFree: Make no code a reality.
- DeepLearningToys: Some deep learning toys implemented in pytorch.
- DataAnalysis: Some data analysis projects in charles_pikachu.
- Imagedl: Search and download images from specific websites.
- Pytoydl: A toy deep learning framework built upon numpy.
- NovelDL: Search and download novels from some specific websites.