Store some parts of your state in the macOS Keychain, Credential Vault on Windows, or libsecret
on Linux. Uses keytar
. Adheres to the redux-persist
transform API, but async transforms must be enabled.
npm i redux-persist-transform-passwords --save
Given a state shape like:
credentials: {
username: 'charlie',
password: 'hunter42'
Supply either a getter string (see Lodash get) or a function that, given your input state, returns a getter string:
import { persistStore } from 'redux-persist';
import createPasswordTransform from 'redux-persist-transform-passwords';
const passwordTransform = createPasswordTransform({
serviceName: 'com.mySecretCompany.mySecretApp',
passwordPaths: 'credentials.password',
whitelist: ['authReducer']
persistStore(store, {
transforms: [passwordTransform],
asyncTransforms: true
Before serialization, the values at passwordPaths
will be removed from your state and written into keytar
. When the store is rehydrated, the secrets are read in from keytar
and reapplied to your state.
You can find more usage examples by reading the tests.
* `serviceName (String)` - The top-level identifier for your app to store items in the keychain.
* `accountName (String)` - (Optional) A sub-identifier for individual entries. If not provided, strings taken from `passwordPaths` will be used.
* `passwordPaths (String|Array<String>|((state) => String|Array<String>)` - (Optional) Lodash getter path(s) to passwords in your state, or a function that, given your state, returns path(s). Leave empty to write the entire reducer.
* `clearPasswords (Boolean)` - (Optional) Whether or not to clear the properties from `passwordPaths` before the state is persisted. Defaults to `true`.
* `serialize (Boolean)` - (Optional) Whether or not to serialize password properties as JSON strings. Defaults to `false`.
* `logger ((message, ...args) => void)` - (Optional) An optional logging method. Defaults to `noop`.
Since we don't want to throw any errors during the state transform, we'll catch & log any exceptions in the keychain operation. To give consumers a way to check access beforehand (and to control the time at which the OS keychain prompt appears), we provide the accessKeychain
method. You'll need to call this method before your Redux store is rehydrated, since the rehydrate will attempt to read from the keychain:
import createPasswordTransform, {
} from 'redux-persist-transform-passwords';
import createEncryptor from 'redux-persist-transform-encrypt';
async createAndPersistStore() {
// Check if we can access the keychain first
// On some platforms this will pop an OS permissions dialog!
const canAccess = await accessKeychain();
// If we don't have access, fallback to encrypting the passwords
const passwordTransform = canAccess ? createPasswordTransform({
serviceName: 'MyApp',
accountName: 'Passwords',
whitelist: ['passwords']
}) : createEncryptor({
whitelist: ['passwords']
// Business as usual for redux-persist
persistStore(yourStore, {
asyncTransforms: true,
transforms: [passwordTransform]