Incoming SDE Intern @ Amazon | Prev @ Stanford, Neptune Medical, etc
👋 Hello! I'm Charlotte, a UC Berkeley student studying Electrical Engineering, Bioengineering, and Computer Science!
🌱 I'm interested in medtech, machine learning, and engineering for social good!
💻 Technical Skills :
- Web Development with Javascript (Typescript, Node.js, Next.js, React, EJS)
- Web Development with Python (Django, Flask)
- Backend Web Development (Supabase)
- Machine Learning/Data Science with Python (Pandas, Numpy)
- Java, SQL, C++, HTML/CSS, Scheme, Jupyter Notebook
- R&D, Biomedical Device Instrumentation, and Biodesign
- 3D Modeling and 3D Animation (Onshape, Blender)
- Git Version Control, Project Management
Contact: [email protected]