HierCGRA, a flexible and scalable CGRA framework, that allows complex interconnection generation and hierarchical CGRA modeling.
xmltodict==0.13.0 networkx==2.8.6 optuna==3.0.2 clang==11.0.0
cd .
mkdir build
mkdir build/object
make clean
make / make -j8
If you get an error g++: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-std=c++14’
, you can update g++
or change it to c++11
Then you can install the python packages we need.
pip3 install -r requirement.txt
Write your own HADL language description and run it with python. Example usage can be found in ./genarch/genarchX
. Customize your own CGRA interconnect and PE patterns in ./genarch/genarchX/utils.py
Example Usage:
python3 ./genarch/genarch3/genarch3.py
python3 ./genarch/genarch5/genarch5.py
Example Usage:
python3 ./script/script.py genrtl $adl $lib $path
python3 ./script/script.py genrtl ./arch/arch5/Core.json ./arch/arch5/CoreLib.ini ./arch/arch5/rtl
./build/genrtl $adl $lib $path
python3 ./script/script.py init ./arch/arch3/Top_RRG.txt ./arch/arch3/Top_FUs.txt ./arch/arch3/ ./arch/arch3/
Before run Mapping, run:
python3 ./script/script.py init $fus $rrg $rrgpath $linkpath
python3 ./script/script.py init
This is a non-essential step for contracting RRG and dump the links, but can be a significant time saver for larg-scale RRG and requires only one run for each RRG.
Example Usage of running mapping for hierarchical CGRA:
python3 ./script/script.py mapping $fileDFG $fileCompat $arch $threadNum
python3 ./script/script.py mapping ./benchmarks/express/arf/arf_DFG.txt ./benchmarks/express/arf/arf_compat.txt ./arch/arch3/arch.ini 4
Or runnng step by step
./build/pack $dfg $dfgGlobal($dfg) $compat $arch
./build/pack ./benchmarks/express/arf/arf_DFG.txt ./benchmarks/express/arf/arf_DFG.txt ./benchmarks/express/arf/arf_compat.txt ./arch/arch3/arch.ini
./build/partition $dfg $compat $arch
./build/partition ./benchmarks/express/arf/arf_DFG.txt ./benchmarks/express/arf/arf_compat.txt ./arch/arch3/arch.ini
./build/place placeCore $dfg $dfgGlobal $compat $arch
./build/place placeCore ./benchmarks_copy/express/arf/arf_DFG_part0.txt ./benchmarks/express/arf/arf_DFG.txt ./benchmarks/express/arf/arf_compat.txt ./arch/arch3/arch.ini
./build/place placeTop $dfg $compat $arch
./build/place placeTop ./benchmarks/express/arf/arf_DFG.txt ./benchmarks/express/arf/arf_compat.txt ./arch/arch3/arch.ini
use 2>/dev/null or 2>XX.log to get operation information clearly
Example Usage of running mapping for small scale CGRA:
./build/place placeCoreII $dfg $compat $rrg $fus $ii
./build/place placeCoreII ./benchmarks/cgrame/accumulate/accumulate_DFG.txt ./benchmarks/cgrame/accumulate/accumulate_compat.txt ./arch/arch5/Core_RRG.txt ./arch/arch5/Core_FUs.txt 3
cd ./benchmarks/standard/
DFDL PASS: run dataflow/exampleDFG.py
python3 ./dse/motpe.py ./dse/genarch.ini