This is the repo for hand traking task using SAM2.1
This is the instruction of how to intall the enviroment using conda. The code requires python>=3.10, as well as torch>=2.5.1 and torchvision>=0.20.1. Please follow the instruction here to install both PyTorch and TorchVision dependencies. The rest of the dependencies can be installed using below:
git clone && cd HandTracking
conda env create -f environment.yml
The environment is now ready!
In this project, I used this model checkpoint, which is the large one. Here is the download link below.
Before running the script, adjust some variable as needed. Modify lines in the script
sam2_checkpoint = '/home/hc4549/HandTracking/' #Weight path (downloaded from official SAM web)
model_cfg = 'configs/sam2.1/sam2.1_hiera_l.yaml' #Config path
video_dir = 'videoframe' #Directory that contian all the frames
#"Clicks" coordination, should be in this form, 1 means positive click, while 0 means negative click.
point_dict = {1 : [[580, 200],[800,400],[200,600],[900,700]],
0 : [[630,100]]}
output_dir = 'segmented_frames' #Output folder
Above is the variable need to be adjusted:
- "sam2_checkpoint" is the path to the weight.
- "mdoel_cfg" is the model config which is under the folder 'configs/sam2.1'.
- "video_dir" is the directory that contains all the frames.
- "point_dict" is the coordinate of the 'clicks' for both positive and negative clicks.
- "output_dir" is the desired output path, where it will save the segmented frame for the video.
The segmented video is in the repo:
Segmented Video
I also made a segmented video that isolate the hands in the video, which is here:
Isolated Video