In a harmonious world of Mixins and the occasional scary reflective hack, Fabric resides. For a simple injection of additional code or even a redirection of a method invocation Mixins are most suitable, providing clear rules for what is possible, and solid runtime checking that what is being done is possible. When other changes need to be made, be it changing an if
decision or when a loop break
s, Mixins suddenly prove to not be quite so suitable. Gone is the nice convenience of an easy annotation. You're either cloning half the method and cancelling in a clunky @Inject
or even worse flattening everything with an @Overwrite
Taking a step away to work on another project you're trying to inject into a method which has a private class as a parameter, a most disastrous occasion. If it is an interface reflection comes to your rescue, in the form of a classically unsafe InvocationHandler
, allowing the interface to be "pretend" extended. If it's a class even further trouble, a @Coerce
and a prayer perhaps.
Say you need to extend the private class. Mixin has completely abandoned you to fend for yourself. Sure you can theoretically @Accessor
, but that's no use for extending when Java won't take your fake <init>
as a proper super constructor to call. A repackaging hack might get you into a package private class at a push, but at that point you've left the bay of safety and are out on the open waters of shenanigans. A properly private class is beyond reachable even with that. What you could do with is not a raft of repackaging, but the battleship that is access transformers.
A mod's access transformer is defined by Loom during dev time. For production code the access transformer is automatically remapped from Yarn to Intermediary names, and moved to
in the root of the produced jar. MM will automatically load and apply any transformations at runtime, IllegalAccessException
s will be thrown if it is not present. Loom applies any transformations for development, so MM is not needed unless another mod adding an AT is added to the classpath.
The provided example's AT is defined in the build.gradle
Within the context of Fabric, access transformers are only really needed to make classes public (to allow them to be directly referenced and thus possibly extended) and methods public (to allow them to be extended, especially for constructors). Thus a more simplifed format of access transformers is used in MM to account for not needing to handle fields or non-public transformations.
# Any line starting with a hash are ignored
# As are any empty lines
# Classes defined alone are interpreted to mean the class is to be made public and definalised
# Classes defined with a method description are interprested to mean the method is to be made public and definalised
net.minecraft.item.ItemStack <init>(Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemProvider;)V
# Loom will crash when any wrongly or ambiguously defined transformations are provided
# MM will merely fail to transform invalid methods, whilst invalid classes will crash
#net.minecraft.item.ItemStack <init>
# Will go bang if uncommented ^^^
The provided example's AT is defined here
Now you've left the bay of safety, there is not quite the same degree of protection Mixin provides. Whilst for access transformers there is relatively little that can go wrong, it is always worth remembering the golden rules:
Every transformation is another slightly more brittle bit of your mod for updates going forward
Any other mod which extends the method will crash if they've kept the method protected (which they are perfectly entitled to do). Whilst this is theoretically possible to fix, it would involve sniffing all loaded mods to fix the class hierarchy. Knock yourself out if you want to implement that, if it works I'll take it.
If multiple mod jars are being exported by a single project, care should be taken that any mods that need the transformations get them. A project can only have a single AT defined - which will be added to the jar
& sourcesJar
tasks as well as all tasks with the RemapJar
& RemappingJar
types by default. This is can be configured:
To disable the main jar
task having the AT remapped and exported...
jar {
AT.include = false
To disable the sourcesJar
task having the AT exported...
sourcesJar {
AT.include = false
Whilst the RemapJar
and RemappingJar
tasks can have AT remap and export disabled via the includeAT
task exampleJar(type: RemappingJar, dependsOn: exampleClasses) {
from sourceSets.example.output
includeAT = false
Access transformers are pretty neat and all, but they still have limits. You can transform an enum
's constructor be to public yet that doesn't get you very far in terms of being able to add new entries. For that a detour to the extender's cove is needed.
Registering additions that want to be made has to happen very early on in the mod loading process. As a result it is quite reasonable that a given mod's initialisers are yet to be run. To resolve this (and the class loading pitfalls described below), MM has a system of "Early Risers" which are classes that implement Runnable
and are called as early as when necessary.
Early Risers are defined via a custom property in a mod's fabric.mod.json
. The key is mm:early_risers
whilst the value is an array of class name strings. Putting anything else there will result in an IllegalStateException
being thrown whilst trying to parse the class names. The provided example's Early Riser definition is here.
An individual mod will have the Early Risers it defines loaded in the order that they are specified. All mod jars should be present on the class path at this point, so whilst technically speaking there is no restriction for an Early Riser to be defined in the same jar as the class that defines it is, practically speaking it is more sensible for the definitions to be only what the jar contains.
The earliness that extensions require poses potential pitfalls from class loading. Given the main launch class will get to be resolved, any accidental reference to a class that might have Mixins that need to be applied will certainly result in a sad time. As a consequence there's a great need to be careful the for classes that might be loaded by an Early Riser.
For the purposes of extending enum
s, there are three methods provided in ClassTinkerers
Whilst on the surface it may appear a subtle difference between taking a Class
, String
or Object
array, the difference is vital for the purposes of avoiding undesired class loading.
The first method is practically easier to use. The variable argument represents the parameter types the desired enum
constructor takes that is wanted to be used, thus is it only natural that Class
arguments are passed in. For Java or library types this is all fine, but when it comes to Minecraft types this poses a big problem. By mentioning the class it has to be class loaded so Java definitely knows it exists (as well as to know the properties of the definition). ClassTinkerers
therefore checks for if any of the passed in classes are in the net.minecraft
package and will crash if they are. This is of course a tad crude considering there are classes like GlStateManager
that are not in the package but are still Mixinable, but it's better than nothing to try save compatibility.
The second method requires a little more effort. Like the first, the variable arguments represents the parameter types for the desired constructor. But unlike the first, instead of using the Class
object it uses the internal name (similar to Mixin). This is obviously less safe as classes have different names for development enviroments compared to the game normally running but this is the price you pay. The benefit (as you might have guessed) is that using the internal names bypasses class loading as Java doesn't need to know the types exist even when it goes looking for the constructor.
It's important to remember that (slightly confusingly) the first argument is not the internal name of the enum
but the normal class name. This is partly for consistency between the methods and partly because the internal name would be a little unhelpful given only the class name is actually needed to find the enum
being extended.
The third method is in effect a combination of the other two. Like the others, the variable arguments represents the parameter types for the desired constructor. Those types however can be specified either as a Class
or the internal name String
. This offers the best of both worlds in that non-Minecraft classes can be specified directly without forcing the Minecraft ones to also be. Always nice to have choices.
Regardless of which of the methods you use, the resulting return object will be an EnumAdder
for your chosen enum
constructor. It allows adding as many values as you theoretically want, once again with a choice of methods to do so:
The first takes the value's name and potential parameters directly as pre-created objects. This is helpful for a constructor that might not need any additional arguments or one which uses Java/Library only types. The second also takes the value's name but takes a factory which returns an array of parameters to be as is needed. This allows guarding types that would otherwise be loaded behind a lambda, thus avoiding any more clunky strings to be passed around instead.
The provided example uses both of these methods to demonstrate here.
Once the desired values are added, EnumAdder#build
must be called in order for the changes to be actually applied. This makes using EnumAdder
as a builder look a little more Java-y, but also registers the changes to be applied as a single block rather than piecewise per addition which provides a small boost to class transforming speed. It is worth nothing that trying to add any more values once build
is called will end poorly.
If an invalid (normally wrongly defined) constructor is specified and attempted to be used, this will be picked up during transforming and the game will crash with a NoSuchMethodError
. Silent exceptions are asking for trouble down the line after all. Duplicate or otherwise invalid value names will throw a ClassVerifyError
if the JVM isn't happy, ultimately it's the arbiter of what's good and what isn't.
There is also a degree of trust that the given parameter objects actually match the types the constructor is expecting, you'll get ClassCastException
s if they aren't. Supplying the wrong number of parameters relative to what the constructor takes will result in an IllegalArgumentException
Since adding to an enum
is done during class loading, getting the entries is likely to need to happen elsewhere in the code base. In fact it should happen elsewhere, as class loading the enum you're trying to add onto is quite foolish. MM adds a utility method for getting added entries: ClassTinkerers#getEnum(Class, String)
. It is fail fast, so any problems adding onto the enum
that weren't picked up during transforming will make themselves clear there. Also worth caching the result if you're using it in more than one place as it is O(n)
with n
how big the given enum
The provided example uses this here.
Say you're getting a feeling for the Mixinless world and want to go deeper. The sea of shenanigans is a passageway to the bigger ocean of emancipation that is raw ASM. Throwing the chains of any notion of safety away and caution to the wind represents the apex of breaking absolutely everything reaching Fabric's full potential.
The first step to ASM enlightenment is to be able to generate whatever class you want. Whilst of course trying to redefine classes that already exist isn't going to work out, there's a practically infinite pool of alternative class names you can come up with to generate whatever you want. What's more classes can be generated at any time, as soon as there's a definition registered they can be loaded and used.
Defining a class is as simple as picking the name, then giving that and the class bytes to ClassTinkerers#define(String, byte[])
. The class bytes can be generated using the standard ASM ClassWriter
, it's not really anticipated that you'll manually work out what you need. If a class with the given name has already been defined using the method it will skip the additional defintion and return false
. If a class already exists on the classpath with the same name the behaviour is undefined (don't do that).
Now classes can be defined at will, ASM enlightenment is surely closer. But to create a new class is not nearly as powerful as to change an existing one as desired. Sure if the class has been loaded it's too late, but to transform a class (before that point) without being limited by Mixins is the ultimate goal.
Class transformations are done via registering a ClassNode
for a given class to ClassTinkerers#addTransformation(String, Consumer)
. This means as many transformations as desired can be added for any class. Like adding to enum
s, this needs to be done from an Early Riser so that all the classes being transformed are known in time before the game starts.
With that you are now as free as practically possible to change whatever you like within the Fabric ecosystem. Now out on the open waters of the raw ASM filled ocean, everything you do is mostly unchecked and anything that goes wrong (or indeed doesn't go wrong) can be down to you. Bon voyage!
Manningham Mills (or Lister Mills when trying to mask the fact it's in Manningham) was once the world's largest silk and velvet textiles factory. Built to replace the original mills destroyed by fire in 1871, the now Grade II listed building contained 27 acres of floor space to fit over 11,000 employees making high quality textiles. Estimated to weigh around 8000 imperial tons, the 249 feet high chimney acts as a beacon to attract house buyers to luxury apartments given it can do little else ever since the mill closed down in 1999 and was converted into an apartment complex. Not that Manningham is a place you should aspire to live in now. Or go to really.