Simple single terminal toggler
I love the nvim terminal. I use it all the time to drop to a terminal, run some tools, compile/test/lint/etc. and switch back to what I was doing.
I only ever use a single terminal, and wanted a way to have just one, and to toggle it on and off easily.
- Single terminal
- Easy toggle on/off with a TerminalToggle ex command
- Return back to the buffer you were last on
- Only enter insert mode when toggling on and not via an auto command. This means that navigating through the jump list doesn't put you in insert mode and prevent you
'ing any further.
Using Packer:
config = function()
Using Lazy.nvim:
opts = {},
Add the TerminalToggle command to your favourite key combo. Since I only use the terminal in nvim, I've overridden <C-z>
to show this terminal rather than background nvim. You do you!
vim.keymap.set({ 'n', 't' }, '<C-z>', '<cmd>TerminalToggle<CR>', { desc = 'Terminal toggle' })